orientation complete

on 1/16/16 5:53 pm

Hello Everyone

I had my orientation on Jan 15th at Humber, I dont expect to hear anything for a few months but just thought I would ask what the average is and then I wont be worrying. I heard tht Humber the wait is longer than average because of their move is this correct?


Thanks again.


on 1/16/16 8:21 pm - Canada

Hi? It was 5 months for me, from orientation to the first call for appointments.  And 2 months from the call to my actual first appointment.  It's definitely testing my patience!  I was actually able to go through the whole sleep apnea deal while I was waiting, which will save me time now?

referral Feb.4/15,orientation hrrh Apr.24/15, sleep test May7/15 ,2nd sleep test Oct.30/15, Dr.Klein Dec.10/2015,trio appointments Feb.17/16.Apr.4/16 Dr.Glazer Dr.Klein May10/16              Surgery May 25/16


on 1/17/16 8:06 am - Canada

Welcome to the forum :

welcome to the program. Yes the process is long and from orientation to surgery can take well over a year. 

I started my program in December 2014 and I am booked for surgery next week Jan 24 Th /2016

so it has taken me 13 months from orientation to surgery. 

Yes it's a long process and only the committed will complete it. 

Resolve as many issues as you can ahead of time so when your seen by the clinic you will have a head start. 

For example if you have not been assessed for sleep apnea most clinic require a sleep study to ensure you don't have sleep apnea. 

This can take months to complete and if you do it early it can save you time in your program and shorten your wait times. 

As for Humber yes the wait times are absolutly redickulous it can take 4-6 months before you get your next clinic appt. 

Ask all your questions on this site it is amazing and you will get all info you need 

this site is a world of info and use it to your advantage. 

God luck in your weight loss journey. 



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