How many carbs???
So I posted about Tostitoes and was told NO! my clinic said now that I have gotten into the habit and routine of getting in the protein to start adding some veg and carb at eat meal. They are looking for a balanced diet. How many carbs would you all suggest? I get about 40-50 grams a day. My calories are 650-800 depending on the day. Thanks for the advice.

1st referral-June 2014, sent back and resubmitted September 2014. Wrong referral-medical not surgical. December 22-Surgical Referral sent in.
March 2, 2015-Orientation session; April 8, 2015-Blood work completed; May 12, 2015-Intake appointment; July 24, 2015 Dietician/Behaviourist; August 26, 2015 Pre-surgery class; September 21, 2015 Meet the surgeon; SURGERY NOVEMBER 13, 2015
Do yourself a favour...dont count your carbs at two months out. Count your protein and always remember protein first in a meal....vegetables second and once a day have something little of carbs. It does vary for everybody in metabolism yada yada. But 1/3 cup of mashed potato carries 11 grams of carbs....squash 5.5 grams in 1/3 cup and peas has 7 grams in 1/3 cup. So what I did at 2 months out is count the proteins intake in grams...have low carb vegetables and less that double digits in sugar and carbs in each meal. My calories totalled at the end of the day around 800. As long as I stayed less than 850 per day at 2 months out, I was good for losing. Since I am a revision, I am losing at a slow rate. It wasnt until 6 months out that I need to take in a few more carbs in the early afternoon to get me through to dinner time. I am now maintaining weight for a little while and I am maintaining at 30 grams of carbs a day. Just follow the basics and note your meals, that way you can go back to notes to see what worked for you and you can repeat that day's menu. Their are carbs in everything. Take note...white vegetables have higher carbs that leafy. Root veggies are the highest in carbs.
Referral - Feb/14, Orientation HRRH - September/14, Surgeon appt. & gastroscopy Dr. Hagen - October/14, Trio appts. - April/15, Dr. Glazer - April/15, Revision RNY - July 10, 2015
"Don't count your carbs"??
Oy vey. Seriously. No.
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When I was in my losing phase (and I've lost and maintained a 170 pound weight loss for 10 years, FYI), I limited my carbs to 30-35 grams per day.
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Kinda off topic, but I'm utterly confused about whether or not being in ketosis post-op is good. At that carb level, I assume you were (and you apparently survived). :) Aside from potential kidney issues, are there cons to being in ketosis long term? I was in ketosis and the nutritionist told me that wasn't a good thing, so I forced myself to eat enough carbs to get out of the state. I'm still losing weight at a comparable weight.
I asked her why of course and she referred to kidney problems. I've had 2 relatives die of chronic kidney disease, and I was born with a defect... so I'm kind of leaning towards not being in ketosis. I know, we're all different. But, just wondering if you know of any other potential negatives to ketosis (or, not being in ketosis for that matter).
Referral: February 2015; TWH Orientation: April 2015; Social Worker: June 10, 2015: Nurse Practitioner: June 11, 2015; Nutrition Class: June 15, 2015; Psychometry Assessment: June 16, 2015; Nutrition Assessment: July 22, 2015; NP follow-up: July 28, 2015; Surgeon Consult: August 28, 2015; Surgery: November 6, 2015; Operation: VSG
I'm assuming I was for a long while - like, 3 years probably.
You raise an interesting point regarding the increased risk of kidney stones, especially with your family/personal history. You're correct, we are all different - even the number of carbs required to maintain ketosis is varying between bodies. What's right for your body is extremely personal, despite the "averages" in "scientific expectations".
I can only really comment on what has worked for me over the past 10 years. Being in ketosis, or very close to it, kept my carb cravings (and consumption) at bay. I continued losing weight into my third year post-op (albeit very slowly that last year). Unfortunately, I have a rather black-and-white approach to food - I was always envious of those who can do well with the "everything in moderation" approach. It's taken me a very long time to be able to be "moderate" with certain kinds of foods (carbs).
I'm really glad to hear that you're losing and doing well and I'm fairly certain that you're not living a carb-based lifestyle. ;) Your first year post-op (or at least 9 or 10 months of it) is generally pretty hard to screw up weight-wise. Your second year is when the harder work starts. Establishing solid routines and attitudes toward eating/food is crucial that first year.
Ontario Recipes Forum -
Thanks for the response!
Yeah--I do worry about what happens after the honeymoon period is over (meaning, year 2+). But, I worry about the crazy lady down the road being outside when I walk my dog (because she screams at me)... so, I have to have something to worry about.
I am keeping the carbs low and just kinda stare at the nutritionists when they tell me I can eat more. Maybe they can, but I don't think I should down a pizza.
Referral: February 2015; TWH Orientation: April 2015; Social Worker: June 10, 2015: Nurse Practitioner: June 11, 2015; Nutrition Class: June 15, 2015; Psychometry Assessment: June 16, 2015; Nutrition Assessment: July 22, 2015; NP follow-up: July 28, 2015; Surgeon Consult: August 28, 2015; Surgery: November 6, 2015; Operation: VSG