Chocolate Prepier drinks drom costco
Help i have not had surgery yet but i tried the chocolate Premier Drink from costco and i have two cases of it what can i do to make it taste not so yucky lol.. I know i can not add banannas to it or anything else as soon as i have surgery but anything else???? do not want two cases to go to waste.. Thank You
I really don't have too much advice on the chocolate flavour as I don't like chocolate to begin with ....some ideas I did do with the vanilla was to make sure they are very COLD like I would put a few in the freezer just long enough to become somewhat slushy and I enjoyed that a great deal....I'm sure someone will be able to give you more ideas for the chocolate....I just thought they were gross before during and after surgery....all the best to you on your journey
Some people are heating it up and having it as hot chocolate. You could add peppermint extract to make it a mint chocolate. Also you could add decaf coffee crystals and lots of ice for an iced mocha. I find the shakes already sweet, so I try not to add any additional sweeteners.
CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.
Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.
Your tastes may change after surgery so don't panic just yet. Also, you can return anything to Costco, even if it's been opened and used, seriously anything, anytime.
Another option would be to open them and use them as a base for a shake by add other stuff and whizzing it up in the blender. Lots of ice blended will help if you don't like the taste and make it sort of like a milkshake texture, which can be nice. Just experiment with adding different flavours until you find one you like. I like adding plain cocoa powder and coconut extract, that is my personal favourite.
Try sf raspberry syrup. Yum!

Referral: Aug 27/14, Orientation TWH: Jan 28/15, Social Worker: Apr 17/15, Nurse Practitioner: Jul 9/15, Nutrition Class: Jul 14/15, Psychologist: Aug 18/15, Nutritionist: Aug 28/15, Surgeon: Oct 2/15, RNY Surgery: Dec 4/15