Getting Scared!

on 1/7/16 5:15 pm - Canada

I know this is probably completely normal- but- I'm 19 days away from surgery and I'm getting really scared! I'm excited for the results and the opportunity to live my life the way I want to live it, but I keep having these awful "what if" thoughts. What if the surgery causes an abundance of complications that will take away from my quality of life? What if something happens when I'm under the knife and I don't wake up? What if, what if, what if. Whenever these thoughts happen I do try and think logically and my nerves calm a little bit.


Did you have any of these fears that really popped up right before surgery? How did you calm your thoughts? 

Referral: April 28 2015 Orientation: July 29 2015 Social Worker: September 1 2015 Nurse Practitioner: September 16 2015 Nutrition Class: October 20 2015 Psychologist November 11 2015 Dietitian November 17 2015 Meet the Surgeon December 11 2015 Surgery January 26 2016

on 1/7/16 5:37 pm

You sound like pretty much all of us on the board who had the surgery. I found reading posts about all the successes and NSVs reassured me that there was so positive to come and pushed those "what if" thoughts aside.

I'm sure everything will be fine and you'll be posting on here in 21 days or so telling us how well everything went. :)

Good luck!

Tammy :)

Surgery on March 16, 2015 with Dr. Yelle (Ottawa)

HW: 245 (2012) SW: 233 CW: 141 Goal Range (by Surgeon): 149-179  

Holy Smokes! I've lost 100 pounds from my heaviest weight! Yay me!!!

on 1/8/16 6:29 am

Yep Me too and I have not even gotten my surgery date yet. Every time I see a post with anything negative or reporting on complications it sets me off. This is harsh and you (and everyone) might not want to read this but the way I figure it, if I don't have the operation and get my obesity under control then the obesity will kill me anyway. Either way there are real and definite risks. But the only way that provides a real chance of rewards including a good life, is having the surgery. 

Initial referral June 2014. Orientation Dec 2014. Initial Weight 380 lb. Meet the surgeon Feb 18 2016 Start opti Feb 19 2016 Opti weight 370 lb Surgery March 2 2016

on 1/9/16 1:38 pm - Canada

Thanks so much! 

I come on here frequently read everyone's success stories! It's hard to believe that it might be me in their shoes if all goes as planned! 

Referral: April 28 2015 Orientation: July 29 2015 Social Worker: September 1 2015 Nurse Practitioner: September 16 2015 Nutrition Class: October 20 2015 Psychologist November 11 2015 Dietitian November 17 2015 Meet the Surgeon December 11 2015 Surgery January 26 2016

on 1/11/16 11:05 am - Canada

Thank you so much!

Referral: April 28 2015 Orientation: July 29 2015 Social Worker: September 1 2015 Nurse Practitioner: September 16 2015 Nutrition Class: October 20 2015 Psychologist November 11 2015 Dietitian November 17 2015 Meet the Surgeon December 11 2015 Surgery January 26 2016

on 1/8/16 7:02 am - Arnprior, Canada

You are normal. Everyone goes through this before surgery.  I'll give you one more what if, "What if you don't do this".  For me, it wasn't the surgery (this was my 4th abdominal surgery), but what if I can't follow the rules afterwards.

This may be your first RNY/Sleeve or whatever, but don't forget, your surgeon's done hundreds of these things, and knows exactly what to do.  When you get there, you get the easy job.  You just sleep through everything.  Easy peasy.  Trust yourself, and your support group (surgeons, nurses, OR staff) and you'll be fine.


on 1/9/16 1:56 pm - Canada

I think what has got me freaked out is that when I had my gall bladder removed 10 years ago, I woke up too early after surgery! It was an emergency surgery and was traumatic in itself, but waking up with the breathing tube still down my throat was terrifying. I was 19 then, and remember shaking profusely and screaming for my mom. 

Definitely something I'll share with my anesthesiologist when I meet him/her on Tuesday! 

Referral: April 28 2015 Orientation: July 29 2015 Social Worker: September 1 2015 Nurse Practitioner: September 16 2015 Nutrition Class: October 20 2015 Psychologist November 11 2015 Dietitian November 17 2015 Meet the Surgeon December 11 2015 Surgery January 26 2016

on 1/9/16 3:34 pm - Arnprior, Canada

The anesthesiologist should ask if you have had any problems before, but make sure you mention it anyways.  It helps them be better prepared for how you will react to it.


on 1/8/16 10:39 am - Canada

I'm in the exact same boat as you. My surgery is in Toronto next Wednesday and I am feeling nervous too. I've never been through anything like this so I am also doing the what ifs. If you want, I can message you after my surgery to let you know how things went :) 

on 1/8/16 2:13 pm

Hi there.  I read you are having surgery next Wednesday in Toronto.  So am I.  I am at Toronto East General Hospital.  Where are you if you don't mind me asking?

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