source Greek yogurt
I've seen it at just about every grocery store. I find No Frills usually only has one flavour option but Loblaws/RCSS usually has more flavours (including the cherry which I love). Sometimes the Greek yogurts are on the lower shelf. Ask the next time you're at the grocery store and they should be able to point you to them.
Must be a regional thing, I'm in Barrie and No Frills (the one in Angus, closest to the Army Base) has many different kinds of source yogurt. Then again, that store is larger and cleaner than the other No Frills across town, I think because they tend to cater to the army families.
Referral - Feb 25th, 2014. Info Session - April 7th
Surgeon#1 - May 15th Dr. Glazer - July 23rd, Dietitian/Social Worker/RN - Aug 1st, Surgeon #2 - Sept 10th, Surgery - Dec 16th, 2014!
I think it definitely varies by location. We moved last year, about 10 minutes away from our old house, and our new No Frills has the peach/strawberry Source yogurts, but our old No Frills had a second flavour. RCSS seems to have all of them though.