Dont get the weighing daily idea
I'm on the same page as you. As a matter of fact, I didn't own a scale until January. When I had my surgery last July, I would only get on a scale at medical appointments. I know me, and I knew that I would obsess on the numbers and probably do more damage than good.
Since the number of medical appointments have slowed down, I bought a scale and I now weigh myself every 10 days or so just to check in. I don't really care about the numbers. I care about how I feel and how healthy I am. And that's what I focus on.
I am 6 yrs post-op and the first 16 months or so I would weigh myself once a week usually on a Sunday before breakfast. I always felt that my emotional well being was important and I didn't want to freak out over a 1lb or so this way or that, believe me I have seen people have some really sad moments when the scale didn't move for a few days or they were retaining water.
Some people benefit from weighing myself daily, I would not have. If you follow the instructions, you will lose actual weight and at times the inches may show the loss more than a start wearing non-elastic pants and evaluate success by that~!
prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss.
life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!. Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!
surgery done in Duluth, MN