What is the Cost of Vitamins per Month London, Ontario
Hi ... I wasn't thinking too much about the cost of the vitamins when I have my initial orientation. Shortly after that appointment my husband left me for another woman and I'm now a solo income with child support. I've worked out my new budget and there should be money left over at the end of the month but am curious as to a dollar amount roughly of what people spend on vitamins per month.
I realize this may be different for everyone but a general idea is all I am looking for.
Thank you for your help!
Right before surgery, I went to Costco and dropped about 200 dollars on vitamins, and I haven't needed to buy any since then. I went WAY overboard lol..
I take 2 kirkland prenatal vitamins a day, each one has 27mg of iron (I'm anemic, need to take this much). One bottle has 300 pills and it was around 15 dollars I think?
I take Vitamin D and I still have half a bottle of liquid calcium. I ended up giving one of my 2 packs to Jaxie since she had the wrong calcium. Again, haven't needed to replace, I can't remember what those cost though.
For my b12, I bought the injections and give myself shots every 2 weeks. The bottle+bag of needles was less than 10 dollars. I bought 2 bottles and haven't needed to replace those either.
The 200 also included things like stool softeners, benefiber, and 2 cases of protein shakes. I think if I had to average it out it would cost less than 50 a month? I can't math though, so I could be off on either side. Hope this helps!
On a personal note.. I, too, am a single mom of 3 kids except their father is a deadbeat and I get no child support. I know this MUST be hard on you, but imagine a whole NEW you.. rocking a new bod, and watching his mouth drop when he sees you and couldn't be bothered to give him the time of day. Just smile politely and move on. Women mourn a heartache immediately and when the pain is done.. they move past it. For men, however, they don't feel it until months later and it's something he may ALWAYs regret and never get past. Trust me. I'm friends now with a guy who hurt me 10 years ago and he still regrets it *every day*.
Referral - Feb 25th, 2014. Info Session - April 7th
Surgeon#1 - May 15th Dr. Glazer - July 23rd, Dietitian/Social Worker/RN - Aug 1st, Surgeon #2 - Sept 10th, Surgery - Dec 16th, 2014!
Vitamins can vary greatly in price and I am sure you can find the needed ones within your budget.
Just make sure to get all of your basis covered and get your bi-monthly blood panels done...or whatever regime your doctor requests.
prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss.
life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!. Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!
surgery done in Duluth, MN