What are you eating/doing today? (Monday)

on 1/18/15 10:25 pm

Good morning everyone.   Tanya and Barb enjoy your parties tonight. Pat I believe we met at Clarkson Pump and if I remember correctly, I think you would rock leggings even at 63. I'm only 5 years behind you and fleece lined leggings are wonderful. Libra congrats on getting the report cards done, now go gypsy wild and enjoy your day. Yup, my morphine is kicking in. Karen, Andrew leaves leaves love notes, you lucky girl. Lpatton your menu looks good, but also yummy.

Yesterday I took 5 steps with my super duper walker and I hope to do even more today. I think I will find out today if I am being transferred to a rehabilitation hospital. Eating is helped out by the visitors I have. DH brought Greek yogurt and visitors last night brought me soup.  

Not sure what today will bring, but I've got my positive cap on.

Have a great day and do fun things.

on 1/18/15 10:57 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Yes we did meet. The legging thing is just psychological. It seems so bare. LOL Glad you are moving. Every step counts. We are all rooting for you





Onward and

on 1/18/15 11:22 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Morning everyone! I had a pretty good weekend - lots of walking in on Saturday, but yesterday I was more of a slug. I tried to get some walking in by going out to the veggie market by foot to get some good stuff for supper, but it wasn't far enough for me to get over 10,000 steps. And honestly, I was just tired and wanted to rest. But because I behaved myself food-wise, I don't feel guilty. :)

Today I have the day off. I had a worse night than usual with my arm - it has been improving greatly, but last night it bothered me and I woke up a few times with it aching. Maybe because I didn't walk much yesterday? Walking seems to be therapy for it for some reason. Maybe gets the blood pumping into it, or adrenaline/endorphins, or whatever. I also used the hand and arm a lot yesterday because I was doing lots of housework in the morning, and cooked supper last night that had lots of chopping involved. I probably overdid it.

Anyhow, today's a new day. I have my art class tonight - really enjoyed last week's class.  I have a couple of supplies to pick up at an art store that is two subway stops away, so I think I'll walk there and back to get my steps in, since the things are small and easy to carry. 

Other than that, not a whole lot planned for today, except helping someone with his resume at some point.


B - A fried egg with a cheese slice melted on top, on multigrain toast

S - VANILLA Premier Protein shake (just finished it now - first one! So good! Thank you again Karen!)

L - Leftover zucchini boats with hot Italian sausage mixture in it (recipe here, but I doubled the amount of filling for the 8 boats to increase the protein, replaced the Asiago with Parmesan because I had it on hand, I fried the sausage with a couple of shallots and skipped the olive oil, and I topped it in the oven with a shredded 3-cheese blend just for fun. Turned out great!)

S - 1/2 cup of ricotta/vanilla/splenda mix with 1/2 cup of raspberries, and 1/2 oz of slivered almonds sprinkled on top

D - I'm going to figure something else to do with the two hot Italian sausages I have left over - I took four out of the freezer yesterday but only needed two of them for the zucchini boat recipe.

S - Not sure - we'll see.

Have a great day, everyone!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


Onward and

on 1/18/15 11:47 pm, edited 1/18/15 11:48 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

That's so weird - I think my big long post disappeared. Well, maybe if I post this one, the other one will show up?

(Edited to add: Aha! Yep, sure enough! Strangely, before I posted this, OH didn't post the link to page 2 of the thread...I knew it had to be there somewhere!)

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 1/19/15 9:32 am

Going to try to go to bed earlier than usual today, feeling exhausted. 

5 months post op

b - premier protein vanilla (thank you Karen, we have them in Ottawa too now!), xl decaf coffee

s - simply protein bar coconut lemon flavour

l - meatballs in san marzano tomatoes, parmesan cheese

s - xl dacaf coffee

d - chicken with leftover homemade marinara sauce from freezer, parmesan cheese

s - psyllium egg white wrap, peanut butter, jam

all vits and water


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