gaining weight after surgery

on 1/18/15 12:28 am
RNY on 05/16/12

I agree. All the literature and fitness experts say that exercise can not fix a bad diet.

One fitness specialist explained that exercise isn't meant to help you lose weight but to keep your body toned, muscles working, heart functioning properly.

HW 282 OW 273 SW 247 CW 232

on 1/18/15 3:08 am - Canada

I have learned over the past several years how important exercise is. When I take the gym classes and they have us work on balance I can see why and how it comes in handy when you get older. A good fitness place is helping you to keep those muscles working so when you are old you will be able to walk and be a stronger person. 

Karen M.
on 1/18/15 4:30 am - Mississauga, Canada

Exactly, Laura. I agree 100%.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 1/18/15 5:34 am

Hey there, glad to see you back posting, sorry to hear about your cat and your friend, sounds like you have a had a rough time lately. 

Totally agree about taking responsibility for your own health. I am really lucky though as I live alone so I have complete control over what is in my home. 

For me exercise is essential to my health to reduce anxiety and help manage stress, if I do not exercise for a few days I feel it big time in my mood and energy levels. 


on 1/18/15 7:31 am - Canada

you are lucky that you have control what comes into your house but I have learned just to say no. You know when I was heavy I always made excuses to why and blaming medication and every other excuse I could think of but I have learned we have to be responsible for our self and stop blaming and making excuses to weight gain.  

Exercise can add a lot of energy to one person and it does help with a person mood. Even going for a walk can change one person mood.

It has been a rough time but I have a new one year cat that is helping me to get over the loss of my other cat. can never replace them but feels good to have a cat in my arms again


Karen M.
on 1/18/15 7:41 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Your cat makes me think about my cat who is 16.5 years old and the worry that I have these days that the end of his little life is eventually coming. Good for you for taking in another little family member. They cant replace the one you lost but they can ease some of the pain. Andrew asked me recently if I thought I would get another cat when Kirby passes and I have to honestly say I don't know. Kirby and I have been to hell and back together and I am not sure at this point if I could let another cat take his place, if you know what I mean.

Extra pets and snuggles for Kirby today - thanks for making me think, Barb. xo



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 1/18/15 8:28 pm - Canada

give that cat of yours a lot of hugs some from me. i wish I could have a cat make it to 10. That has been two that have not made it past 8. I have said if this one does not live past 10 forget it. I am done.  You will do what is right for you Karen when the time comes. It is not hearing that meow sound and having to yell at the cat and dog to behave that I miss. I love cats and knew I needed to get another. We still have the other cat gifts wrapped up from Christmas. We will be opening them soon to share with this new one. Just need time knowing that they were for Sky. 

Now to get through my friend operation for breast cancer which takes place in Feb than maybe live can settle down. She has a great attitude she will go for the operation and be done with no big deal. I  think I am more worried for her because I know that there could be more to it. I will do the worrying for her and let her stay positive.  No matter what I will be there for her. If you don't see me around much in Feb you will know why



Karen M.
on 1/18/15 8:34 pm - Mississauga, Canada

You are an awesome support and friend, Barb, and I know she must appreciate and just love you for it. We should all be so blessed to have someone like you in our lives.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 1/19/15 11:21 am

That's the part that sometimes gets me, the "saying no" part, especially when stressed, had a few slips around Christmas, did not feel good after eating the wrong thing.

I hear you about animals, my dog is terminally ill, its just a matter of time, vet estimates she has 2-3 months max. So this Christmas was extra special as it will be her last.  I have another dog but still can't picture life without her, I have had her nearly 15 years now.  I guess all we can do is love them as much as possible when they are alive eh?  Glad to hear you have a cat to hold and cuddle, it is so comforting. 

on 1/19/15 10:09 pm - Toronto, Canada

Agreed 100% Barb!! My talk at TWH touches on the importance of exercise, movement in general after WLS. 

We have mostly good food in our house, but there is always ice cream and cookies for the kids. I don't touch it. When I do, I have to sit back and wonder why. 

I'm sorry to hear about your cat. Our beloved Stella passed away on Dec. 30th. She was 14. 

I can't wait to see you at the Around the Bay!! Running will hopefully ease some of the stress you're going through. It does for me.

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

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