What are you eating/doing today (Saturday)

on 1/16/15 5:28 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

19 months post op

steps 4928

Good morning all,

I hope everyone is well and CC is out of hospital.

I am back in the land of the living! That flu is very nasty, I have not been that sick in years.

I am going to eat very lightly today as I have not had very much solid food in 3 days.

B tea, 1 scrambled egg w/ a little cheese

S more tea

L 1 c chicken veg soup

D same as lunch

S tea, 1 source greek yogurt

Be well everyone








on 1/16/15 7:19 pm

RNY  5 Years 9 Months Post Op


Glad you are feeling better Tanya. 

Golfing this morning followed by lunch with my friends - movies this afternoon to see "American Sniper".


STEPS - 6700


B - 2 large mugs of coffee

     1 cup of eggbeaters scrambled with 1 slice of habanero cheese


S - 6 Pillers mini turkey bites


L - 4 oz grilled chicken on spinach salad - dressing on side


D - 2 cups of smoked sausage cassoulet


S - Greek yogurt with 1 TB of granola

    S/F jello with FF whip topping


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,129,  Carbs - 76 Grams,  Fat - 30 Grams,  Protein - 119 Grams


All water and vits

Have a great one  






on 1/16/15 9:40 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Hope you enjoy the movie. My DH down loaded a copy and we really enjoyed it





on 1/16/15 9:47 pm

Good morning everyone.   Tanya I am sorry you have the flu, you're right to keep the menu light try to get lots of rest

Barb enjoy the movie and let us more know your opinion. 

Still in hospital and will be at least until Monday. Yesterday I was able to stand for half a minute with the aid of 2 physiotherapists.   Progress is far slower than I would like and I have definitely had my feeling down and sorry for myself moments. I think if I had plan of how long recovery is going to take and what will be involved I could just get on with it.

Today it's physio again with the plan to stand upright and lift each foot a half inch of the ground

Not sure about the eats, I will try eat protein first 

The sun is shining out my window so have a great day everyone and do fun things then come back and post about them.

on 1/17/15 12:11 am
on 1/16/15 9:45 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Glad you are feeling better. I have no idea what my meals today will be. Going to a movie at 12:10 with my son's girlfriend and her daughter. It's funny I would never have let my kids see this movie with it's rating when they were 8. But I am not the parent or even the grandparent so we are off to see Into the Woods. I am going to take a protein bar and play it by ear.

I was really hungry this morning and ate a piece of toast. I seldom have bread but just felt I needed something else. Actually more like I want something not need

B greek yogurt, granola, blueberries, toast

Have a great Saturday. I am off to walk the dog.





(deactivated member)
on 1/16/15 9:53 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

It's made by Disney so some parents think that means it's the usual Disney types.  Also kids are so desensitized these days, my nieces have been watching horror flicks with tons of gore since they were like 3 years old.  My son is only 10 years older than my youngest niece but he'd have never watched those types at 3 even if he wanted to.  Kids are playing violent video games at a young age and watch a lot of TV that have a lot of gore that I don't even think they notice it.  Sad really.

on 1/17/15 11:17 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Since they have been living with my son they have no cable or violent stuff. I am sure she get it elsewhere. The movie was actually fun. I didn't know it was musical. And she knew the tales it was based on





on 1/17/15 12:13 am

Today is my only day off this week unfortunately, so I am going to try to really be good to myself today.  A nice hot bath, read some good books, meditation, a nap later on, some cbt thought charting. Have been feeling run down lately and since I have little control at work I am taking control of my personal time to refill my energy.  I'm reading a book by David Posen, an Ontario doctor, called "Is Work Killing You?", which I borrowed from the public library.  I really like it and would highly recommend it, he writes from a Canadian perspective, which is rare. I know I can't be the only one experiencing work stress and on the verge of burnout, there are many I am sure. Yesterday I ate a chocolate croissant for the first time since surgery, and I feel so disappointed in myself for using food to soothe. I did not feel sick afterwards either, so now my brain knows I can eat that food and not get sick.  So angry at myself, I am only 5 months out and already using food to deal with my feelings. It is so true that this surgery does not fix your brain, it is a continuous battle.  Yesterday I screwed up, today is a new day and I refuse to give up, ever!

Still stuck at 201 for the past month, it is painful to be so close to onederland for such a long time.  Had my first whole raw apple since surgery yesterday (it was extra small to be on the safe side), and it went down well, very happy to be able to eat whole fruit with skins again without issue, even though I will be limiting them due to carbs. Have noticed I can eat larger quantities lately without feeling restriction, so the plan is I am going to focus on filling whole foods as much as possible rather than sliders.  The soup I am eating is really thick and I eat the solids then wait and eat the liquid part later.

5 months post op

b - premier protein shake, extra small apple

s - decaf coffee, eggwhite psyllium wrap with margarine, a little lf cream cheese ad nsa jam

l - leftover homemade veggie beef soup, eggwhite psyllium wrap with margarine

s - sf nesfruta strawberry banana flavour

d - whole lentils with onions

s - protein nsa hot chocolate

all vits and water

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