Question re: Assessments

on 1/6/15 3:32 am - Canada

My Husband and I both are going through for surgery at HRRH Finch Site.. we had our orientation on September 26th and were told that we would hear back regarding assessements within 6-9 weeks.. it has been almost 15 weeks now, and we haven't heard anything.....  Is this normal?

i called once after teh 9 weeks had pasted and was told it would be another 3 weeks or so, called back after that time period and was told they were still behind.. I don't want to keep calling, but I also don't want to miss anything.  (I didn't get the notification that I had an orientation date and apparently in my file it was noted down that I missed TWO orientations..).... 

I am not sure what to do.. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated..



on 1/6/15 4:19 am - Oakville, Canada

Keep calling!! don't worry about being a bother to them. You don't want to slip thru the cracks.


Referral sent- Sept 26 2014, Orientation (TWH)- November 12 2014, Sleep apnea test Nov 6 2014, Social worker- Jan 20 2015, Nurse Jan 20 2015, Nutrition -Jan 26 2015

Robyn R.
on 1/6/15 5:01 am - Bowmanville, Canada

This is where I sit on the fence personally. & professionally. I just left a position where I was overwhelmed with calls from patients.  We had the only program between west Toronto & Kingston. I spent so much time talking to people who wanted to jump cue or inquire for cancellations that it really limited my time for triaging & notifying people of their appointments.  Because of that, when it was my "turn " I waited patiently & let the system do it's work. I was 7 months total from orientation to surgery. But I also waited a year for orientation.  My advice, be patient with them. They are totally overwhelmed. It was hard for me to wait, but it all worked out in the end

all the best

Referral Summer 2012, Orientation June 10/13 HRRH, Dr Hagen July 3/13, Dr Glazer, RN/RD/SW September 19/13, Dr Hagen October 10/13, Surgery January 21/14

HW 290  Opti Start Weight 280.9  Surgery Weight 264.8 CW 207


on 1/6/15 6:03 am - Canada

I totally don't want to be a bother, and I was completely patient and waited and waited and waited after my referral went in in May 2014, then my husband's referral went in on June 19th and I had still not heard anything, the only thing that clued me in on a potential problem was my husband got a call/his package for his orientation in September and I still had not heard anything!


I finally got someone on the phone, only to be told that I had apparently no showed for TWO orientation sessions so all my info had been put on the back burner as if I didn't want the surgery!!!!!


I am just afraid that if I keep calling it will reflect negatively on me, totally don't want to jump the cue, just want to make sure I am "in the cue" if you know what I mean!!!!!


Arghhhhhh decisions decisions!!!!!

Thanks for the input guys!


(deactivated member)
on 1/6/15 5:13 am - Orillia, Canada


I would keep calling.  I had to call them to finally get an appointment for the information session!! I have also heard that with Humber River it is very common that you have to call and keep on them to get your appointments.  I have heard that now from 8 different people.  So I am going to keep calling because I want this surgery and want to get it sometime this coming year I spent all last year waiting and waiting between my doctor sending in the referral to finally hearing back, that I feel like I have lost so much time!  I say call them, because honestly if they were in your shoes I am sure they would be doing the exact same thing.

on 1/6/15 8:23 am - Canada


I agree!! Keep calling... they are very nice and don't seem to mind. I had my Orientation on September 4th, 2014 and then had not heard anything for awhile. I finally got a hold of a 'live body' and was given my first appt. with Dr. Starr (surgeon) on December 12, 2014. My three other appt. were set for February 17, 2015 (Social work, nutritionist and nurse). However once you finish with the surgeon and have his go ahead, then you can get on the cancellation list. This is what the girls at the desk at HRRH told me. So I asked to be put on it. Surprise, surprise less then a week later on December 17th I had a call for my three appt. to be on December 19th, 2014. I passed these too.

Now here is the funny thing. When I attended on the 12th I was told that I needed to go upstairs to see Dr. Glazer; internist. While there to book an appointment they gave a date in June. So once I was done with my 3 appt. I called Dr Glazer office  back and was told, still booking in June and nothing was available. I called again yesterday and was told the same thing.

I then called Dr. Starr's lovely assistants who gave me a surgery date of February 12th, 2015 and told me to call Dr. Glazer and share the surgery date...Low and behold I now have a Dr. Glazer appointment for January 14th.

I am so excited I can hardly contain myself.

Hang in there and be nicely persistent!

Good Luck


on 1/6/15 9:37 am

Hi I just posted about the wait times. I had my orientation October 20th and have been told since nov that they are working on sept referrals. I called today and told the same thing I will call again as suggested

on 1/6/15 9:13 pm - Canada

So I called the clinic this morning when I got to work (I find that if I call right at 8a.m. when they open I am more likely to get a live person!), i spoke to a very lovely lady in booking, who told me that they "just" starting working on the end of September.  She said that they had been closed for two weeks (I am assuming over Christmas) and that she would have to get back to me.  I apologized profusely for bothering her, but explained the situation and my fear and she said that she remembered sending the stuff out to me and the issues with my orientation date, so she said that she would look into it and get back to me.... so I will wait some more!!!! 

I have to say that my patience has grown immensely with this whole process, I'm definitely the type of girl who sees something, wants it, and goes gets it asap, so waiting since may for this has been hard, but I've done.  Along the way, I have continued in my avoidance of Pop (Yay, it's been 2 1/2 years since I had a pop) and in July of this year I also gave up the carbonated water that I was drinking instead of the pop, so I'm nearly 6 months free of that.  I will occassionally have some soda water (if I am out for a few drinks - vodka and soda water it is!!!! ) :)   We have cut waaaaayyyy back on the chips in the house, to the point where we don't buy them anymore.. (I still have some chips/popcorn when out etc..) but I am doing good.... Not sure if I have lost any weight because I haven't been keeping track... but I feel better about myself.... now to just get this show on the road!!!!

Thanks for the advice everyone!


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