Getting Weighed

on 12/29/14 2:09 am

I have a question (I'm going through HRRH).  I have yet to be weighed in the process. Not my family doctor, not at the info session (though I didn't expect to be then), not by the surgeon at the first meeting.  At what point do we get weighed?  I'm fairly sure the weight I told my doctor is correct, but I could be off 5lbs I'm sure.  An acquaintance told me the will say "before surgery you need to lose ___ pounds" depending on your starting weight. Is this true?  And at what time do they tell you that if so?  

(deactivated member)
on 12/29/14 2:22 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

My first weigh in was at the nurse appointment. Well technically it was by my doctor when they did the referral, I am surprised that didn't happen with you.

on 12/29/14 2:35 am - Canada

I'm surprised you were not weighed by the surgeon.  I am through HRRH also and Dr. Sohi weighed me when I had my first appointment with him because he did my BMI and told me the weight for a healthy bmi.  Don't worry though for sure when you see the nurse or dietician they will weigh you.  I have been weighed each time I have been for an appointment.  Lori

on 12/29/14 2:47 am

I'm with Dr. Starr and he looked at my referral and said "so you're approximately 330, ok, that's a 50 BMI." And that was it. 

All my other appointments are Feb 3rd, so I'm sure I'll get weighed then. 

Should I be dieting now?  I am currently fighting any gains from stopping nursing (and haven't gained, so that's good), but if I'm not down to like 310 by Feb 3rd am I going to be seen as not caring?   I guess I should just do what I can. I've seen a dietician this month, and have been following her advice, but it really hasn't helped me lose so much as just keep any rebounding nursing weight off. 

Sandra L.
on 12/29/14 3:23 am

Wow we are so close.  I'm with Dr. Starr approx "330lbs and of course a BMI of 50.  My next appointments are Feb. 5th.    I have only been weighed by my family doctor only.  I've been working on eating better, drinking more water and keeping a journal of it with MyFitnessPal. 


March 2014 Doctor sent referal, Orientation Humber Aug 2014, Surgeon Nov. 2014, Trio Appt. Feb 2015 - Request transfer to Guelph Mar. 2015 Orientation Guelph April 9th, 2015 Initial one-on-one May 5th, 2015. Trio Appt. Aug. 14th, 2nd Trio Oct. 16.  Nov. 20 Approved. , Meeting Surgeon Dec. 23.  Opti Fast Jan. 14th, Surgery Date:  Jan. 28th 2016

Amanda F.
on 12/29/14 2:47 am - Oshawa, Canada

I am also going through HRRH and went to the surgeon appointment and did not get weighed which I thought was odd. He just wrote down my approximate weight/BMI.

on 12/29/14 2:50 am - Canada
RNY on 01/05/15

I'm going through TWH and I was weighed at nearly every appointment (except the nutrition class).  However, I was never told that I needed to lose weight before the surgery, obviously they encouraged it, but they didn't suggest I would be denied surgery if I didn't.   The only thing they were really hard core on though was smoking.  They repeatedly said that all candidates for surgery needed to be smoke free for at least 6 months and have quit permanently.  If nicotine showed up in any of the blood work they suggested that would be grounds for denying surgery.  I'm a non-smoker though, so that wasn't an issue for me.


 ~ Per aspera ad astra ☆彡 


on 12/29/14 3:35 am - Arnprior, Canada

I was never told to lose weight, but I was through Ottawa.  We were to keep a food journal, and when I saw the dietician/Nutritionist, she made suggestions for areas I could change my habits.  Once she was satisfied I went to the next step (had 2 visits with her).

What you can be doing now, is just start journaling your food and activity.  An other thing you can include is how you feel when you are about to eat (are you bored, sad, happy, etc).  It will help you later.  Take a look at what you are eating/doing and make a small goal, anything from adding a glass of water a day into what you are drinking ****il you are at least 8 glasses per day).  (I don't know what your habits are now, it's only a suggestion).  Another idea is to cut down carbonated drinks.  (You can't have them for quite a while after surgery), or cutting caffeine down (no caffeine during Opti, or after surgery for a long time).  Just pick one little thing.  Master it, and go on to the next little thing.  This isn't going on a diet, it's making small lifestyle changes that will help you along the way.  Small changes are easier to digest than larger ones.



on 12/29/14 3:49 am

Thanks Cathy!  I gave up carbonated beverages 2 months ago, caffeine I'm down to once or twice a week from 3-5 a day.  I drink 3 litres of water a day (and always have).  

Basically my nutritionist said to cut down carbs - so I did.  And to watch portions, so I bought a plate with portions. She said to eat 3 meals and 2-3 snacks, so I've  been doing that whenever possible (eating during the day has been the hardest for me) - I am a horrible planner and know that will be my biggest challenge post op. I get up at 3:30am, and probably don't eat anything most days until 3pm - and then I eat at 3, dinner at 6, and another big snack before bed at 10-11pm - so I've tried to make sure I get protein in before 8am. I'm allergic to preservatives, and have two kids under 3 - so it has been a hard change to preparing low carb meals to grab on the go - but I'm mastering it!!!!  

on 12/29/14 4:05 am - Arnprior, Canada

Congrats on what you have done so far.  They'll really stress that you should have something within an hour and a half of getting up (I know with 2 kids under 3 it's hard).  One thing you can try is make ahead meals.  Things like egg bites (check the Recipe forum), which the kids can have too.  Or you can try smoothies for you and the kids.  Tell them it's a breakfast milk shake and they may tke it as a special drink.  You can increase the protein by adding a scoop of protein powder.  Just have frozen berries and yogurt on hand.  And you can drink it on the go!

My kids used to have the Thomas, and Dora type plates, and I used to use that to keep my portions down.  Can't fit as much on the plate to start with.  And used small spoons and forks so my bites were smaller.

Also try checking out the What Are you Doing/Eating today thread for ideas.



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