
on 12/29/14 8:59 pm - Canada

hello I am new here and so far I have only completed the orientation. I meet Dr Sohi on Jan 16 and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what happens at this appointment. Also if any idea could be given as to what happens when you meet the social worker, dietition and nurse practitioner (March 9). 

Thank you!! 

on 12/30/14 1:17 am - Canada

At this appointment you will go for blood work and meet with Dr. Sohi, he will weigh you and discuss your options.  He will also discuss the risks and answer any questions you might have.  He is a very serious man but an excellent surgeon.  He did my surgery in August and so far all has been well.  I was nervous going into this appointment because of the unknown but it really was not a big deal.  


The other appointments want to make sure you know exactly what you are getting into and that you are prepared.  Make sure you read everything you can to know and understand what happens during surgery and how life will change for you after.  The more knowledge you have the better off you will be for these appointments.  Be as honest as you can about your answers with the social worker so that if you have any underlying issues these can be addressed before surgery because it is not an easy road to go after.  Good luck to you as you continue on through this journey.  Lori

on 12/30/14 9:49 am - Canada


I have my orientation March 2, 2015. I just received my letter in the mail. Could you share what your session was like?


1st referral-June 2014, sent back and resubmitted September 2014. Wrong referral-medical not surgical. December 22-Surgical Referral sent in.

March 2, 2015-Orientation session; April 8, 2015-Blood work completed; May 12, 2015-Intake appointment; July 24, 2015 Dietician/Behaviourist; August 26, 2015 Pre-surgery class; September 21, 2015 Meet the surgeon; SURGERY NOVEMBER 13, 2015

on 12/30/14 10:26 am

When I went to see the surgeon it was pretty straight forward. They pushed for RNY as they said it is the gold standard for WLS, unless you have a medical reason not to have it. They weight you and answer any question you have regarding the surgery, complications, time off, success rates, etc... Then they send you to get blood work done, they took 12 vials when I went. They may also send you up to Dr.Glazer's office to make an appointment.( he is the internist also another gate keeper lol )

Nurse, Dietitian and Social Worker are like the gate keepers, they must all approve you before you can go forward. You meet with each individually and they want to know that you are making changes now, not necessarily losing weight but making changes that will support you post-op. Nurse will weight you and measure you and go over all the blood work results and what medications you should be taking now and what you will need post-op. Dietitian will go over your food journal with you and basically give you a verbal exam about the changes you need to make now and post-op eating wise/diet and what you know about the surgery itself. Social Worker will really go into detail about what you think causes you to eat they way you do now (Mindless or Emotional Eating)and what your doing to help change it. If they don't feel your making the needed changes they will make suggestions and ask to see you in a month again

The best advise I can really give is read the orientation package over and over and over again until you know it by heart and maybe do a little side research too and start making the changes they suggest in the orientation package. :-) Good-Luck


Referral May 14th/14, HRRH Orientation Aug/18th/14, Surgeon (Dr.Starr) Appt Nov/28th/14, Clinic Nurse,Social Worker, Dietitian Dec/15th/14, Dr.Glazer Feb/5th/15, OptiFast Feb/16th/15, PATTS Feb/17th/15, Surgery March 2nd/15 HW 230, SW 202, CW 130

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