What are you eating/doing today (Monday)

on 12/28/14 7:22 pm, edited 12/28/14 7:25 pm

RNY  5 Years 8 Months Post Op


Out to a lunch at a friends house today - I think I know the menu.  Ended up at home for dinner last night rather then the Keg so I saved a lot of calories and had fish instead for dinner.  Steak tonight as I am craving some meat after so much poultry.

I have been going to Christmas parties and dinners since I returned home almost 4 weeks ago - pleased to say that I did not gain weight as per the scale this morning.  My plan was to lose - however in hindsight I am glad to clock in at the same weight.

STEPS - 4975 - a slug yesterday


B - 2 large mugs of coffee

    Premier protein shake


S - 2 oz left over sea bass


L - quiche - will eat the insides only

    glass of wine


D - 1.5 cups of kale salad

      4 oz beef tenderloin


      3 home made oven fries


S - Source lemon dessert yogurt

     Jello with ff whip


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,203,  Carbs - 77 Grams,  Fat - 49 Grams,  Protein - 84 Grams


All water and vits

Have a great one  






on 12/28/14 7:30 pm

Good morning everyone.  Barb enjoy your lunch with your friend.  Back from my little cross border shopping spree.  I did not find the boots I was looking for, so the  quest continues to find the perfect riding boot.

Today is swimming, return something to the store, a little grocery shopping and laundry.  It almost feels like I will be back to a routine, but then the New Years celebrations will begin on Wednesday through Saturday, I will try to make better choices.

5 months post op

B. Chike before and after swimming

S. lots of decaf coffee

L. Homemade shrimp egg foo yung

S. SF Hot apple cider

D. Chili made with beans

S. Fit Frappe protein hot chocolate

Have a great day everyone.

on 12/28/14 8:17 pm

Its true - you just think you are back to routine then bam - here comes New Years!  Fortunately its just one night!






on 12/28/14 7:54 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

18 months post op

Steps 9254


Good morning all,

I am happy to be able to post here again after a very crazy busy couple of weeks. I hope everyone had a nice Christmas and will enjoy the New year festivities.

DH and I have declined a few invites to NY parties and have decided to just stay home and relax. I an so looking forward to doing just that :)

Work today and then off to the gym.

B- protein coffee, 1 sl dark rye toast w/ a smear of PB 1/2 banana

S- 1 egg muffin

L- zuchinni lasagna

D- 1 cup tomato soup, 1 oz shredded habenaro cheese in it

S- tea, 1-2 c greek yogurt

Be well everyone








on 12/28/14 8:16 pm

Hi Tanya

I just love the shredded habanero cheese - so much flavor and heat that you dont need to add much. 

I also like to stay home for New Years - we go out for dinner and then get home for the count down - however some of my favorite new years have been staying at home with a good meal and each other







on 12/29/14 4:12 am

I totally agree about the habernero cheese, it is awesome.  The tex mex one is really good too.

on 12/28/14 8:29 pm

Tanya i'm so glad to see you back posting, you were missed.

Onward and

on 12/28/14 8:44 pm, edited 12/28/14 8:45 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

That's a great idea, Tanya, about just staying home. Maybe we should do that too. We were thinking about going to our favourite bar/restaurant, but we've had such busy holidays already. It might be more pleasant just to stay home and relax with some good (healthy) food and drink at home. Cheaper, too.

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


Onward and

on 12/28/14 8:42 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Morning Barb and everyone. :) Hope everyone is doing well. I just got home from visiting family last night and didn't do too badly weight-wise. Gained a couple of pounds, but it should go quickly now that I'm home again. I'm on the high end of my usual fluctuation range, so I'm not too worried. But I need to get back to better eating again. There's nothing like going to my parents' places to get me eating stuff that I shouldn't. 

I started an early new year's resolution that I've been keeping nicely for the past week - remembering to take ALL of my vitamins every day. I've been slacking off on that pretty badly over the past few months, so it's good to be back on track.  I'm also planning to curb my wine drinking severely and try to get creative about non-alcoholic drinks (teas, fancy coffees now that we have an espresso machine, etc.). It's too easy for a glass of wine with the hubby to turn into polishing off the bottle together! LOL. And I'm getting the hang of what I can and can't eat with the RH, but I've been doing too much limit-pushing over the holidays, which sent me into a low sugar episode at one point. So...back on the wagon again. :)

Here's today's eats...minus supper since we're going to a friend's place and I have no idea what she'll be serving. But I will make sure I balance it out, and I will make a heroic effort not to eat crap snacks today. In fact, I think I'll bring edamame with me to share with everyone as a snack today at her place.


B - 1/2 serving bag edamame beans and 2 clementines, plus a skim milk cappucino with flavour shot 1/2 an hour later

S - 1/2 cup ricotta/vanilla/splenda, plus 1/2 oz pecans and 1/2 oz slivered almonds sprinkled on top

L - 1 slice P28 bread with 55g Black Forest ham, with dijon mustard

S - Edamame beans - not sure how many but putting half a serving bag to be safe. And I'll bring some clementines too. Loving the clementines this time of year! And the great thing is that whole fruit doesn't trigger my RH. Must be the fiber or something.

D - Not sure, but will follow the protein first rule and watch the carbs

S - Some kind of tea or fancy coffee, plus a glass of skim milk

Have a great day everyone!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 12/28/14 8:49 pm

Hi Michelle

Nice to see you posting again and glad you didn't really gain over the holidays.  The toughest part I find is to make the determination to get back on track and then sticking to that.  Ughh. 






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