Mmm Premier Protein Chocolate Shakes Half Frozen

(deactivated member)
on 12/26/14 9:04 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

First time trying them, and I just assumed they'd be tastier half frozen, and yep, they were delicious! I really couldn't think of what I needed or wanted for Christmas, so I told my sister if she was at Costco, to grab me some. Glad I did! These are way more delicious than the protein powder homemade shakes I have come up with. And obviously way more convenient. So yep, that was my Christmas gift, 4 cases of these babies. They taste like a chocolate milkshake. I bet they'd be good with coffee too. Lets hope I don't get sick of them before I finish the four cases.


Hope all had a wonderful Christmas!  Snuggled up on the couch now watching romantic comedies with my pooch! Perfect end to a busy Christmas.

on 12/26/14 9:17 am, edited 12/26/14 9:18 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

I like these too, I'm at the stage of getting in two of these a day and I do love them . Funnily enough I had my first decaf coffee thus morning and I was gonna put some in it but then I thought about the hot factor ?? I didn't have a good experience with protein powder and mushroom soup last week ( think lumpy wallpaper paste !) I thought ...nah ! I'll try it another time . I'll let you test it !! 

Yum !Half frozen ..must try , or even blended in the bullet with some ice ....McD's chocolate milkshake !!! 

Your evening sounds bliss ....we are just home from Ze Mother in laws just being home for me is bliss right now .........Jammies on , movies and my own bed 

Merry Boxing day doll xx 

Jax x


(deactivated member)
on 12/26/14 9:27 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

I will be the guinea pig for that! Probably try it tomorrow. Per my quick search on here, others seem to mix it with coffee, so must be fine.

I just poured mine in a glass, and stuck it in the freezer for 10, it was almost frozen that quickly. I HATE it when you can't drink a shake fast enough and it becomes warm... barf.

PJ's all DAY!!! for me. Glad you are doing so well, xoxo

(deactivated member)
on 12/26/14 10:00 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

OH plus, I don't know about you, but I am a big fan of iced coffee, so that may be another option. Using the shake in sub of any milk or creamer.

on 12/26/14 2:36 pm - Welland, Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

I add some chai flavor to it -  so yummy! I used these shakes instead of Opti and found a few tricks. I made one half frozen like Jennifer put added a few drops of mint. I didn't find them to be as good when heated, but YMMV.

Referral - Feb 25th, 2014. Info Session - April 7th 
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(deactivated member)
on 12/27/14 1:15 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

You're right, I am starting to think they may not be tasty hot... One day I'll attempt it! Hope you are recouping well xo

on 12/26/14 11:41 pm - Canada

Glad to hear you like them.  I was going to buy them to try too and freezing them sounds like a good idea.  Going to have to try that. 

(deactivated member)
on 12/27/14 1:17 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

I just pour it in a tall glass and stick it in the freezer, they freeze fast! In about ten minutes, it really tastes like a chocolate milk shake, and something about the frozen chunks in the liquid, makes it easier to take down, and more enjoyable, for me anyhow!

on 12/27/14 1:38 am
VSG on 01/11/16

I like the premier protein drinks too.. you can heat them but be real careful,  10 secs at a time

Here is a recipe from their website, they have other recipes but the other recipes are heavy in fruit

1 teaspoon of instant coffee will make it taste like mocha :)

Caramel extract is yummy too

I like the vanilla.., I add a few drops of water enhancer to it to change up the taste.


(deactivated member)
on 12/27/14 1:48 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

Thank you! I like the sound of hot mocha.

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