Newbie from Ontario

on 12/21/14 11:02 pm - Canada

I am new here and I really like what I have been reading so far.   I was referred in September 2014 and have my orientation January 9, 015 at Humber. I have been reading a great deal about the surgery but not sure about a couple of things.  First, how long after orientation will the surgery be scheduled and how much time is needed for recovery. 

Thanks for your help

Karen M.
on 12/22/14 12:59 am - Mississauga, Canada

Welcome to the forum! Your orientation date will be here before you know it. The professionals at Humber will be able to give you a much better idea of timelines and expectations along the way.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 12/22/14 1:39 am - Canada

thank you Karen, I appreciate your help!

on 12/22/14 2:12 am

Hi hiom,

I'm going through Humber.  I was referred at the end of June, my orientation was the first week of September, I met my surgeon (Dr. Starr) mid November, I meet the panel members early February, Dr. Glazier is mid April, and I was told to expect late May/Mid June for surgery by Dr. Starr's office. 

I I know that doesn't necessarily help you, but I always liked seeing timelines at the start of the process. 

on 12/22/14 2:22 am - Arnprior, Canada

Hi Hiom,

Welcome to the forum!

As for your questions, each person's journey is different.  Time from orientation to surgery will depend on appointments as well as any non standard stuff you have to do.  The non standard stuff depends on your medical history and anything that they find in tests.  It doesn't mean you'll not get surgery, just may delay it a bit.

As for time for recovery, it is individual.  I was given 4 weeks off work, but I have a desk job.  If you have a more physically strenuous job, they may suggest a longer recovery time.

Good luck on you journey!



on 12/22/14 7:02 am - Canada

Hi hiom.. I'm at the orientation Jan 9th also.. see you there!

I was told by my surgeon that everyone's journey is different in regards to time span from beginning to end.

Fingers crossed you will have a fast one :)

on 12/22/14 7:58 pm - Canada

Day_Tay, I guess you and I will be going through this process from start to finish together!  Looking forward to meeting you!

(deactivated member)
on 12/22/14 7:54 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

For me it was pretty quick from orientation, it was from referral to that orientation date that took the most time. Recovery is different for everyone, I went back to work 8 days post op, and I'll admit, it was way too soon. I am now 8 weeks out, and feel great. Good luck to you! 

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