What are you eating/doing today (Sunday)

on 12/20/14 7:06 pm, edited 12/20/14 7:08 pm

RNY  5 Years 8 Months Post Op


Back down to my low weight of a few weeks ago - and back to 10 pounds to go to lose my regain.  I am really quite amazed with all the extras I have consumed that I have maintained.  Maybe I haven't eaten as much as I think.  I am so pleased about this and determined to keep everything in check the coming week with more parties etc.   Also, I think I just gravitate to meat and veg - the extras are here and there but in small quantities - regardless , I am pumped to get going again.


B - 2 large mugs of coffee

     Premier protein shake

     small banana


L - Leftover stuffed pork tenderloin - 5 oz

    1/2 cup of roasted squash


D - 1.5 cups of kale salad

     4 oz beef tenderloin

     1 fingerling potato


S - Source dessert yogurt

    2 Jello with ff cool whip


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,094,  Carbs - 98 Grams,  Fat - 40 Grams,  Protein - 92 Grams


All water and vits

Have a great one  






on 12/20/14 7:39 pm, edited 12/20/14 7:40 pm

Good morning everyone.  Barb you are doing so well to have been able to maintain with all of the social engagements that you have had.  I am sure that you will drop that 10 lbs in no time.

Up way too early this morning, this was supposed to be a sleepin kind of day.  Still sorting out the basement, trying to get it ready for company later this week.

I am discovering that since surgery I am developing a bit of a sweet tooth.  Before surgery I would buy sugar free chocolates and they would sit in the cupboard for months before I would have one chocolate.  Now I am having a chocolate a day, but what is worrisome is that I seem to crave it in the afternoon or just before bed.  Perhaps this has something to do with low iron and Vitamin A levels and feeling so tired at those times of the day.

Karen I hope your Christmas dinner went well, cooking for 50 people is quite an undertaking.  Who ends up with all of the leftovers?

5 months post op

B. Decaf coffee, a poached egg, 2 small meatless breakfast sausage patties, a little Hollandaise to help it all slide down

S. Chocolate/peanut butter powder protein shake

L. Chicken, mushroom soup

S. Sugar free eggnog

D. Beef brisket, mushrooms, asparagus, cheese

S. Hot apple cider

Have a great day.

on 12/20/14 8:06 pm


If I eat sugar with any regularity - I then begin to crave it.  Sugar is a sneaky ******* - whether it be the real stuff or the chemical substitutes.

If you can keep yourself to one per day and it helps you stay on plan the rest of the time - then great.  Jus****ch your behavior and see if you begin to want more - then time to put the brakes on.

It truly gets more difficult the further out your are - and I think this is especially true as you move from the hype of early post op to the daily grind of eating and watching 6 - 9 months post op.  Thats when you realize its forever and we begin to try different foods. 

I mean its also one chocolate for heavens sake!  Which in the grand scheme of things is nothing...its all about the mental game and how you handle things - so I dont mean to make this sound more then it is....I just have experienced the head game and know for me there is no such thing as moderation. 






on 12/20/14 8:39 pm

You're absolutely right Barb, and I do appreciate your advice.  There are some Christmas treats in the house, mainly for DH, but once the holiday season is over I think I need to curb sugar cravings by maybe doing a few days of no sugars or sweeteners.  Craving sweet is new to me, and I seem to want 2 sweeteners in my coffee whereas before surgery I would use a half of a sweetener.

on 12/20/14 10:35 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

congrats on the weight Barb. Had fun last night. It was not the show I thought we were seeing but it was good. The restaurant we went to was a bust. They sat us the forgot us. People coming in after received drinks and their food order was taken and no one approached us. So we left. On the way out I told the staff standing around we would probably of enjoyed the food if we could have got service. I left them arguing with each other. There is a restaurant on every corner downtown so not a problem finding somewhere to eat. Ended up at a Mexican place we had been to before. Excellent service and good food.

Going to my nieces tonight for dinner with my family. My sister just had her hip replaced. She usually has us. Looking forward to seeing how she is. They usually cater so not sure what will be for dinner. Last year was shepherds pie.  SO just posting what I know I will eat and will tr to eat smart later

b greek yogurt, granola, raspberries

l deli chicken, sliced cheese, yogurt






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