What are you eating/doing today? (Thursday)

on 12/17/14 3:10 pm

Good morning everyone.  Once again, I woke up in the middle of the night.  Hopefully I will be able to go back to sleep later.  Why is it that when you have an early morning alarm you never sleep well the night before?  Today is going to be a busy one, starting with swimming in the morning, lots of errands around town.  I can't believe we are less than one week away from Christmas, I am so not ready.  In my late night browsing the internet I saw a sugar free eggnog recipe that uses Eggbeaters, sugar free vanilla pudding, milk or fat free half and half, rum extract and nutmeg, sounds interesting, I might give it a try.  

5 months post op

B. Chike before and after swimming

S. Decaf coffee with Hazelnut sweetener

L.  Going out for lunch with a friend, I will try to find a good protein

S. Greek yogurt

D.  Probably leftovers from lunch

S.  Fit frappe protein hot chocolate

Have a good day everyone

Karen M.
on 12/17/14 7:03 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Good morning!

You will have to let us know how the eggnog turned out, CC - I love eggnog!

Not a lot on the go today other than work and a few errands this afternoon, will meet my bestie for a coffee to finalize dinner plans for Saturday (we cook for 50+ people at the pub each Thanksgiving and Christmas - the owner buys all the stuff, we do all the cooking - extremely fun!), not sure what else.

- coffee with cream x 3 over the morning -

B - Premier protein shake

S - PC angus roast beef, old cheddar, pickle roll-ups (2); halo orange

L - 1 egg scrambled, peameal bacon

S - Chike protein iced coffee (I seem not to be getting this in lately - its okay since my protein is high enough via other things but I miss it lol), halo orange later

D - 3-4 oz BBQ chicken breast, spinach salad with all the fixings, tzatziki

S - not sure yet

Have a good one,

K. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 12/17/14 8:05 pm

RNY  5 Years 8 Months Post Op


I was also up from midnight until 3 - thought of posting then but was afraid internet browsing would keep me awake longer - so watched the finale of Survivor.lol

Karen I had eggs and Cdn bacon last night for dinner - it never gets old for me.  Yumm

Today is pretty much a carbon copy of yesterday for me eats wise.  I actually weighed myself this morning to find I am up 2 pounds of my "regain lost" weight.  Happy its only that much and much of it will be salt. 

Out to the same buffet today with my high school friends - lots of laughs ahead.


STEPS - 4600


B - 2 large  mugs of regular coffee

    Premier protein shake


S - 1/6th of a protein bar


L - glass of champagne

     3 oz turkey

    1/2 cup of dressing

     few bites of veg

     few shrimp ****tail

    2 oz smoked salmon with capers


D - 1 cup of kale salad

     1.5 pieces of PC blue menu breaded chicken breast

     2 TBS of plum sauce

     1 roasted fingerling potato


S - 1 cup of homemade nuts and bolts...Christmas tradition


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,748,  Carbs - 138 Grams,  Fat - 52 Grams,  Protein - 104 Grams


All water and vits

Have a great one  






on 12/17/14 9:49 pm

Week is almost over thank god, it's been really stressful.  Went to the gym last night for an hour long workout, dry sauna, and massage chair.  Now at least my body is calm, which helps a lot.  4 more days and I am on vacation until the new year.  I am counting down the days.

4 months post op

B - premier protein shake

s - detour protein bar with pb, xl decaf coffee

l - lentil beef chilli

s - almonds, cheese, celery

d - green salad with balsamic dressing, chicken

s - orange pekoe tea



on 12/17/14 10:07 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning all. Yesterday started with arriving at work to the smell of gingerbread waffles. I managed not to eat that. The party later had all sorts of goodies. Had a few crackers and dip and a few grapes. I think for me the worst was the taking home the Belgian cookies and Belgian candy given to me. My DH wanted to open something last night but I was afraid I would just give in and make myself sick. I need to change my thinking from I can't have goodies to I choose not to have them. Small change but a big one for my resolve. I am home alone with this stuff tonight so I think I better get out my meditation tape and get my head straightened or I will find myself up another 10 lbs this winter.

The Toronto Star, in their Dish column highlighted Cinnabon. There are over 800 calories in one cinnabon. I never liked them before so not tempted now but that seemed amazing, so many calories in one treat

Off to swim at lunch today and walking the dog tonight

b greek yogurt, granola, raspberries

l chili, yogurt

s protein bar

d meat loaf, salsa, salad

s grapes

cal 909, carb 90, prot 78.6





on 12/18/14 6:22 am

I also wake up during the night usually in a panic, usually I can get back to sleep if I hug my dogs.  Sometimes I have to use a guided meditation app if the anxiety attack is especially bad.  I really hope this improves with time. Is it every night for you too?

on 12/19/14 2:47 am

No Zizzler, thankfully it is not every night.  I have been waking up from pain, sometimes in my knee, and sometimes in other areas.  If I want a really good night's sleep I will take a Benedryl Nightime (not every night but proabably 2-3 times a week) and that calms my mind for 8-9 hours lol.  But unfortunately if I have pain I will wake up and still be very drowsy from the Benedryl so I take an extra strength Tylenol and wait until the pain subsides then try to catch a nap.

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