What are you eating/doing today (Wednesday)

on 12/16/14 6:39 pm, edited 12/16/14 6:49 pm

RNY  5 Years 8 Months Post Op


Off to a big luncheon today for business.  Its a wonderful buffet and I know what is served - will have some good wls food and a few bites of the "other" stuff.  At the same location for lunch the next 3 days with different groups of people - I intend to enjoy myself not only with some different eats - but the conversation etc.  Wont be weighing myself until after Christmas - salt alone is going to make me bloat!

STEPS - 6980 - walked around Sherway yesterday - bough a great pair of boots that I didn't need - animal skin past my knees -


B - 2 large mugs of coffee

     Premier protein shake


L - 3 oz turkey


    few green salads



    glass of wine - I am being picked up

   maybe a bite or two of dessert if I see something wonderful


D - 2 eggs with 3 slices of Cdn bacon


MYFITNESSPAL totals :  Calories - 1,842,  Carbs - 183 Grams,  Fat - 65 Grams,  Protein - 124 Grams

All water and vits

Have a great one  






Karen M.
on 12/16/14 6:44 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Good morning :)

Barb, I am loving the over-the-knee boots, I got an awesome pair myself a couple of weeks ago. Love, love, love!

Took me a long while to get to sleep last night so I'm dragging my butt a bit this morning - coffee to the rescue (cue superhero music). Off to work for the morning and then the never-ending search for a gift for my parents continues. In all seriousness, if you have an idea of what to give the most fabulous 81 year old couple (who have everything, buy what they need/want) PLEASE share. I drive myself nuts every year trying to find something "perfect" (or even useful lol) to give them. Andrew is coming for dinner/Breaking Bad blitz, not sure what else I'll get up to.

8.5 years post-op

- coffee with cream x 3 over the morning -

B - Premier protein shake

S - Greek yogurt, 2 tiny halo oranges

L - 1/2 whole wheat tortilla stuffed with tuna salad, lettuce, cucumbers

S - Chike protein iced coffee

D - BBQ angus steak (boxed from Walmart, I swear to gawd it's the best. steak. ever.), lemon-basil green beans & mushrooms

S - not sure yet, if so likely just tea with a little milk

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

K. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 12/16/14 6:55 pm

Hi Karen

My parents are both 89 - and also need absolutely nothing.  so I give them my time - which they get anyway - but I will write on a card an outing that I know they will enjoy.  It also allows them to feel no guilt that I am using "my" time with them....( they worry I spend too much of my time helping them...arghhh...lol) 

Usually it will be a list of chores - or two hours every Tuesday sort of thing - also a dinner or lunch out somewhere special             ( actually anywhere is special lately...lol)  I usually see them every day when I am home as they need assistance - but at least this gives them less worry about the time I am spending with them.


I am feeling guilty about the boots.   I mean I am away a good part of the winter and it was an impulse.  BUT - they are fabulous -and will look great with a black dress.  Hot Damn anyway






Karen M.
on 12/16/14 7:48 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Fabulous ideas, thank you. My parents (my dad especially) HATE to receive gifts - "Why are you spending money on us?? Save your money!!" - so a couple of times for other occasions (birthday, anniversary) I've planned and prepared an extravagant meal for them which they love (especially my dad lol). I was thinking of perhaps making a few of their favourite dishes (gluten free of course, my mom is Celiac), packaging them in meal-for-two sized containers and filling their freezer with my cooking that they enjoy so much. Giving my dad a Dollarama card has become a bit of a tradition (his favourite place to shop LOL), so there's that. Honestly, they'll love anything I give them. I just feel more and more that it should be something exceptional for such exceptional people. I'm causing myself unnecessary stress ;)

Wear the hell out of those boots and enjoy how fabulous they make you feel - you've earned it.  



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 12/16/14 7:51 pm

Good morning everyone.  Barb you will rock those new boots, and enjoy your luncheon.  Karen thank you again for yesterday's cute little pic.  Presents that have gone over well in the past for my parents have been a trip to Stratford to see a musical (South Pacific), I think this year is the sound of music and they have matinees, also any CD of Michael Buble, Tony Bennett (he has a new one with Lady Gaga singing American standards) and anything sugery or with cheese.

Today is my 5 month post op anniversary and as of today I am down 92 pounds preop and post op.  I feel so much stronger.  Today it's swimming and then more household chores, as it's my anniversary, I might treat myself to a skinny gingerbread latte from Starbucks hehe.

5 months post op

B. Chike before swimming, and maybe a latte after swimming

S. Decaf coffee with Hazelnut Splenda

L. The other half of the salmon pinwheel from last night

S. Protein coffee shake

D. Shrimp and a little melted cheese

S. Homemade chicken broth with some chicken thrown in.

Have a great day everyone 

on 12/16/14 8:14 pm

92 pounds is fantastic!  Now keep that peddle to the metal until goal.






on 12/16/14 9:50 pm - Toronto, Canada

Amazing job!!! Congrats!

And...gingerbread latte? I didn't know they had such a thing in skinny!!!!

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 12/16/14 10:30 pm

If you ask for skinny, they make it half sweet and low fat, yummy, but a once in a while treat 

on 12/16/14 10:46 pm - Toronto, Canada

Oh boo. Not sure I can. I dump on liquid sugary things. I can't have skinny frappuchinos either, because there is sugar in their base. Only a skinny latte with sugar free syrups. 

I haven't tried a real one, or a half-sweet one in a long time, and i'm not sure that I want to know that I maybe can tolerate them now :-)

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 12/17/14 4:19 am

If you don't mind making your lattes at home, Torani makes sugar free gingerbread syrup and sugar free pumpkin spice syrup.  I bought them both to add to coffee and protein shakes at home.  Maybe because I am always cold, I am craving hot drinks more and I like the holiday flavours in my protein shakes.

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