Back in limbo!
Went in to consent to surgery, turns out I may have a rare but serious metal allergy which would mean I wouldn't be able to have surgery at all...ever. So now just awaiting the test results (cost $450) and it will either be a yes, and I'll start Opti straight away, or a big no. What a weird precipice to be balanced on! Trying to prepare myself for either outcome but it's a bit mind-bending.
How did they determine you had a rare metal allergy? I have allergies and am always worried about something like this.
March 2014 Doctor sent referal, Orientation Humber Aug 2014, Surgeon Nov. 2014, Trio Appt. Feb 2015 - Request transfer to Guelph Mar. 2015 Orientation Guelph April 9th, 2015 Initial one-on-one May 5th, 2015. Trio Appt. Aug. 14th, 2nd Trio Oct. 16. Nov. 20 Approved. , Meeting Surgeon Dec. 23. Opti Fast Jan. 14th, Surgery Date: Jan. 28th 2016