Information Session Up date

on 1/6/15 10:08 am - Canada

Hi I too had the feeling of "am I doing the right thing". Kind of like cold feet before getting married.  The optifast I really liked.  I know some complained but I liked it. Did you happen to be in Hamilton.   I know with location changes some people were not aware. If you ever want to chat friend me as it seems I went through the same concerns as you. I am 4 weeks post op

on 1/6/15 10:11 pm - Canada

I was at Humber.  They just put two different sets of directions in the package and I of course picked the wrong one.  I was not the only one that it happened to that day.  There are probably 10 of us.  I would love to hear how you handled the "cold feet".  You can always message me.  Would love to hear about it all.

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