Surgeon's Appointment Booked - Another Brick In The Wall!
Hello Gals and Gang!
Toronto Western has me booked for Feb 06, 2015. The receptionist did not know at the time I had called who my Surgeon would be. Although by simple deduction from the clinic site for Toronto Western there are 5 or so Doctors.
At this point in time I am just ready to get on board. It has been hard not seeing everything as a food funeral, but I have relatively been maintaining +2/-2 pounds back and forth. This can also be due to water fluctuations in my body and bloating because I am on an desmopressin suppressant.
How long typically does it take since the Surgery Appointment with the Doctor to Surgery Date? The receptionist had said typically 2-3 weeks or so.
I am planning that I will be given a directive to start OptiFast after this appointment. Which is fine with me! BRING IT ON!
Hey! That's great. I too have my Surgeon appointment that day. What time are you booked? I might see you there :)
LOL! Awesome SAUCE! Unfortunately I am in North Bay, about 4 hours from Toronto. I will be completing my appointment by Telehealth. I am not sure if my Surgeon is Dr. Urbach, but I would be very very happy with him he seems very qualified you are lucky! I would hope I have him, what time is your appointment? I am for 9:30 AM.