What are you eating/doing today (Saturday)

on 12/12/14 5:57 pm

Good morning everyone.  I am all stuffed up with the start of a cold so I could not sleep any longer.  Doing the garlic cure to hopefully get rid of it before it really takes hold so 2-3 cloves of fresh minced garlic every 3-4 hours until symptoms are gone.  I usually put mine in a cup of heated broth, which actually tastes really good, but you can also add it to other foods.  No, I will not be socializing with anyone today except my dogs, and they love garlic!lol  Plan to take a eucalyptus bath later this morning and if feeling better will hit the gym later on.

17 weeks post op

b - 3 cloves fresh minced garlic in 1 cup heated beef broth...later lemon coconut simply bar

s -  premier protein shake, fresh garlic in leftover turkey cabbage soup

l - fresh garlic in turkey cabbage casserole

s - fresh minced garlic in broth, decaf orange pekoe tea

d - chicken with fresh garlic in san marzano tomatoes, parmesan cheese

s - smaller portion of dinner with garlic, vanilla chamomile herbal tea

all vitamins and water

Have a nice day everyone!

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

on 12/12/14 6:42 pm

RNY  5 Years 8 Months Post Op


Yup that's a lot of garlic!  Hope it works for you.

This morning is the first this week I don't have to rush out the door early.  Going to enjoy my coffee and the papers before really beginning the day.  Out to dinner this evening with friends to a dressy place - I am looking forward to the dinner - wearing something nice - and some laughs.

STEPS - 5400


B - 2-3 large mugs of coffee- 1st regular coffee and the rest decaf

     Premier protein shake


S - 1/2 cup of pickled beets - Love Beets brand sweetfire marinade


L - 1.5 skewers of chicken souvlaki leftovers with 1/4 cup of tzatziki


S - 2 wasa with 1/4 cup of shredded habanero melted on top


D - Glass of merlot

     1 hot roll - small

    4 oz beef tenderloin

    2 small lobster ravioli that is served with the beef

    few bites of veg

     one bite of husbands dessert


S - 1 Source dessert yogurt


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,352,  Carbs - 79 Grams,  Fat - 34 Grams,  Protein - 114 Grams


All water and vits

Have a great one  







on 12/12/14 9:38 pm
on 12/12/14 9:38 pm

Good morning everyone.  Zizzler I hope your cold feels better soon.  Barb it's fun getting all gussied up this time of year and going out with friends for dinner, have a wonderful time.

For some reason I was having trouble posting this morning, I kept getting an OH internal server error.  Today is going to be an easy day of household cleaning chores, laundry, reheating leftovers, and maybe a nap.

4 months post op

B. Chike, then lots of decaf

S. Bulk barn chocolate whey protein powder mixed with a little Chike banana protein powder and a TB of PB2 peanut butter powder

L. 1/2 Homestyle Chicken Chili package with 1 TB guacamole, LF sour cream, 1 0z Mexicana cheese melted on top

S. Bulk Barn Unflavoured Whey protein mixed with a packet of instant Cappuccino coffee and a French Vanilla sweetener

D. Leftover BBQ chicken, Cheesy grits, BBQ baked beans

S. SF Hot Cider and maybe a Greek yogurt before bed.

Have a great day everyone.  

on 12/12/14 9:39 pm

Good morning everyone.  Zizzler I hope your cold feels better soon.  Barb it's fun getting all gussied up this time of year and going out with friends for dinner, have a wonderful time.

For some reason I was having trouble posting this morning, I kept getting an OH internal server error.  Today is going to be an easy day of household cleaning chores, laundry, reheating leftovers, and maybe a nap.

4 months post op

B. Chike, then lots of decaf

S. Bulk barn chocolate whey protein powder mixed with a little Chike banana protein powder and a TB of PB2 peanut butter powder

L. 1/2 Homestyle Chicken Chili package with 1 TB guacamole, LF sour cream, 1 0z Mexicana cheese melted on top

S. Bulk Barn Unflavoured Whey protein mixed with a packet of instant Cappuccino coffee and a French Vanilla sweetener

D. Leftover BBQ chicken, Cheesy grits, BBQ baked beans

S. SF Hot Cider and maybe a Greek yogurt before bed.

Have a great day everyone.  

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 12/12/14 11:00 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I also had troubled getting to this page today. OH must be having problems. Hope your garlic works. My cold seems to be getting a little better. Still no energy but at least no fever. I need to get the dog out today. It will not be our usual long walk. If I have energy this afternoon I need to get a new tree stand. Ours is just not working. I am glad most of my shopping is finished. Not sure I could do it this weekend.

b greek yogurt, granola, raspberries

l cottage cheese, salsa

s pure protein bar

d chicken stir fry

s laughing cow, couple of crackers

cal 1017, prot 110.7, carb 76.6





Karen M.
on 12/13/14 12:59 am - Mississauga, Canada

Afternoon all :)

Having a terrible time with OH today, their server must be wonky. Going to my parents' for coffee this afternoon with Andrew - their first time meeting him, should be amusing (for me and likely my mother lol), have a few errands to run, BBQ for dinner, Breaking Bad blitz continues, not sure what else. Oh! Likely cards (though I always seem to lose, I swear Andrew cheats though I can't prove it ;)).

I hope everyone enjoys their day and is feeling better! Barb, dressing for dinner is wonderful and I love it too - I'm sure you'll be fabulous.

8.5 years post-op

- coffee with cream x 3 over the morning -

B - Premier protein shake

S - Source Greek 50, halo

L - the crustless quiche that never ends ****il today!), assorted veggies with a little dip

S - Chike protein iced coffee

D - BBQ chicken breast, tzatziki, Greek salad

S - not sure yet

Have a good one,

K. :)




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 12/13/14 1:50 am

Had technical issues too, have to retry until finally able to post. Hopefully this will re resolved soon.

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