What are you eating/doing today? (Thursday)

Karen M.
on 12/10/14 6:39 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Morning all :)

It's snowing out there! Not looking forward to my drive to work :/ Not a lot on the go today other than work this morning, house stuff when I get home. Drive carefully out there!

8.5 years post-op

- coffee with cream x 3 over the day -

B - Premier protein shake

S - Source Greek 50, 2 halos

L - crustless quiche, a few green beans & mushrooms

S - Chike protein iced coffee

D - ultra-thin-crust pizza (like cracker thin) with lots of yummy toppings (2 small slices), a little garden salad with white balsamic and honey vinegar

S - not sure yet

Have a good one,

K. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 12/10/14 6:52 pm

Good morning everyone.  Karen your menu sounds yummy.  My blood test showed that my iron was 6 (reference range 11-27 normal).  The lab will not test ferritin and iron at the same time.  When I asked my doctor to explain, he said that ferritin is the protein that binds with iron but you may sometimes have a low or high reading with ferritin but still have low iron.  He then started to explain the formula and the need for testing iron.  It was at this point that I started looking out the window and pondering the usefullness of "the new math" and enjoying the pretty blue sky while he blathered on.  Are one of the symptoms of low iron that you can't stay focussed when people get all technical?

Got all my Christmas cards written and mailed yesterday, which was a big load of my mind - 71 cards written and mailed, another year done.  Today it's swimming, a Christmas lunch with friends, a delivery of furniture at 4:00 a quick tidy around the house and then put my feet up tonight and relax.

4 months post op

B. Chike before and after swimming

S. Decaf and 1/2 a Simple Whey bar

L.  I think I will order the scallop appetizer 

S. Greek Yogurt

D. Fish, shrimp and a few noodles

S. Fit Frappe protein hot chocolate

Have a great day everyone.

Karen M.
on 12/10/14 8:11 pm - Mississauga, Canada

New math

I would still be pressing for iron infusions, despite the new math. Old math tells us that a level of 6 is WAY low and needs to be treated aggressively. And guess what - lack of concentration actually IS a symptom! LOL

Have a wonderful day :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

Mary A.
on 12/11/14 12:29 am
On December 11, 2014 at 4:11 AM Pacific Time, Karen M. wrote:

New math

I would still be pressing for iron infusions, despite the new math. Old math tells us that a level of 6 is WAY low and needs to be treated aggressively. And guess what - lack of concentration actually IS a symptom! LOL

Have a wonderful day :)

Karen:  I always read your advice.....I am still at 6...the highest I have ever been for iron is an 11 and that was almost 2 years ago after my hysterectomy.  I have another visit next week again to check Iron and will see what my doc has to say.


I guess my point is...that even as I approach the 6 yr surgery mark..I still have the same issues.



prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

Karen M.
on 12/11/14 2:41 am - Mississauga, Canada

As do I. I will always have iron issues due to malabsorption it seems, so I deal with it by taking Feramax and doing rounds of iron infusions when necessary.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 12/11/14 2:55 am


Thanks for the response. I just love you. I will try and post soon but I am a nerd when it comes to the computer. So I will look for you here and let you know how it goes. I'm having a RNY also. I have 105 pounds to loose. Bless you Karen and be safe in the snow. We are having strong winds and a lot of rain which is great. We have been in a drought for 3 years. Have a great Thursday.


on 12/11/14 12:45 am - Toronto, Canada

Is this your PCP or your centre? The centre will check your Ferritin, which is important. If that is too low, you will need to supplement, or have infusions. A Ferritin level under 20 will not raise with a heme iron alone, it needs to be upped via infusion, and then the supplements will finally kick in. My Ferritin is finally 33, after 15 infusions, and an IUD put in. I still take FeraMax daily, and always will, but at least it's not a waste now. 

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 12/10/14 7:38 pm, edited 12/10/14 7:39 pm

RNY  5 Years 8 Months Post Op


Ughh to the snow - I think you are getting more snow then I am Karen - likely only 6 inches here.  CC I laughed at the new math comment!

Heading into St Joes this morning to meet with an endocrinologist re thyroid/calcium levels etc etc.  I have to be super careful with one kidney.



B - 2 large mugs of coffee

     Premier protein shake


L - 1/2 cup of "Love Beets" sweetfire marinade flavor

    1 cup of eggbeaters omelet with 1/3 cup of habanero cheese


D - 2 PC blue menu chicken breast with flaxseed

     2 TBs plum sauce

     few bites of green veg


S - Source dessert yogurt

     S/F jello with FF Cool whip


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,205,  Carbs - 107 Grams,  Fat - 40 Grams,  Protein - 89 Grams


All water and vits

Have a great one  






on 12/10/14 8:16 pm
RNY on 09/20/12

looks great. 


Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.


on 12/10/14 8:49 pm

Guess I will be shovelling my driveway as my exercise this evening eh?  Saves me a trip to the gym I guess.  Luckily I take the bus so I did not have to do it this morning. Just work today, nothing special.

16.9 weeks out

B - premier protein shake

s - xl decaf coffee, simply bar

l - plain liberte Greek yogurt with blueberries and davinci sf blueberry syrup

S - string cheese, handful of almonds, sf fruit punch

d - 3 meatballs, a black label San marzano tomato, peas

S - nsa chocolate pudding

all vits and water 

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