One month check up

on 12/9/14 1:51 am - Owen Sound, Canada

I have my one month check up tomorrow with Doc Starr. I'm hopping he will be pleased with the progress I have made. A few issues to talk to him about. Having diarehha frecquently, and not sleeping has become a big issue. I read a post where sleep aids can hinder weight loss, so now I'm scared to try any of them. I work 12 hours shifts and doing that on two hours sleep can become very difficult. Then in the afternoon I have my nutritionist class. I feel they will not be happy with me. I haven't had too many problems with eating really anything and probably eating food that I should not be eating at this stage. I try and keep portion sizes where they are suppose to be and I haven't tried pasta, rice, bread, or the food I deem to be heavy. Hopefully I won't get in too much trouble.

Wish me luck, and good weather.



Karen M.
on 12/9/14 3:23 am - Mississauga, Canada

Just take the nutritionist class as a learning opportunity, Tish. Yes you made errors and YES you came to this forum, asked for advice, and LEARNED new things. The learning continues... well, forever really. Don't worry about "getting in trouble" - you corrected what you were doing and have carried on in the right direction - be happy and proud about that. :)



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