What are you eating/doing today (Sunday)

on 12/7/14 1:20 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Yah the bad knee I am putting a heating pad on. The other seems to be getting better. I hope it is okay by tomorrow





on 12/7/14 1:40 am

Wow Pat - frightening for you.

Keep some Dex tabs in your purse - you can buy them in a big bottle or in the tube  - I get both and re-fill the tube from the bottle. 

Likely not feeling well didn't help the situation - and you might not be eating enough.

Hope you and your knees are OK







on 12/7/14 8:38 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Thanks I will look into the tabs. I am eating/drinking better today. I have been trying to walk to keep from stiffening up





Karen M.
on 12/6/14 10:39 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Morning all :)

Beautiful sunny day out there! Not too many of those left this year for sure. Not a lot on the go today other than some house *stuff* (I think I'll put up my tree! OMG how I love this!), prep for the work week (laundry, meal prep, etc.), and it's football day which I have come to love, surprisingly. lol I am not a football fan (or I wasn't previously, I seem to love it now) and I am not a gambler by any stretch of the imagination but we have been playing $2 picks on Proline and I HAVE WON for the past 4 weeks straight, much to Andrew's disgust (jealous much?) LOL Not sure what else I'll get up to today.

8.5 years post-op

- coffee with cream x 3 over the morning -

B - Premier protein shake

S - Source Greek 50, halo orange

L - brunch really - 1 egg omelet with peppers onions mushrooms ham cheddar, sliced tomatoes

S/D - football eats - veggies & dip, 2 chicken chunks wrapped in bacon (these are from Walmart and are incredibly awesome), 1 small slice ultra-thin-crust pizza (cracker thin), 4 shrimp dipped in ****tail sauce

S - not sure yet - maybe a Chike protein iced coffee

Have a good one,

K. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 12/6/14 10:52 pm - Georgetown, Canada

6 days Post-Op (please chime in if you see some areas that need help)

Morning-sipping on chocolate protein shake

B-pills with 30ml of water; 60ml of diluted OJ; 60ml of cream of wheat. (took 2 hrs to eat LOL)

L-60ml of cream of mushroom soup (strained); 30 ml of greek yogurt

S-60ml of split pea & ham soup (strained); 30ml of SF ice cream

Afternoon of sipping on chocolate protein shake


Karen M.
on 12/6/14 10:57 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Looks good! Glad to see you're taking a protein shake - that'll really help in meeting your high protein requirements. How's your water intake? Hope you're doing well :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 12/7/14 1:03 am

Hey there, glad to hear you are doing good.  I know, it takes forever to get anything in at first, doesn't it?  It is literally a full time job! Your menu looks good to me at 6 days out. You may want to look into buying some plain whey protein from bulk barn, I found that I got sick of chocolate and sweet stuff after a while.  You can add the plain stuff to many foods so that you do not always have to have something sweet.  Just make sure the food is not tool hot or it will curdle the whey protein.

on 12/7/14 7:08 am - Oakville, Canada


Yes .... I AM among the living and am now 5 DAYS post surgery !!! ...... someone said earlier that it was a full time job just to get all the food in ...... GADS .... is that EVER RIGHT !!!

The surgery went fine ... but during surgery Dr Jackson changed the surgery to a Sleeve instead of a RNY as planned ..... evidently toooo much scar tissue inside me (Heaven only knows where that is from ????) ..... once I get this 15 min. eating thing figured out (like actually have some time that I can call my own !!!) I will have to start doing some research about the Sleeve .... other than knowing its name, I am pretty much clueless at the moment !!!

So today, it is : Sip .... wish I could toot ..... sip ..... walk trying to get some house work done .... forget to sip ...... forget to sip ..... sit ..... sip ..... sip ...... walk ..... etc, etc !!!!

Catch up with you later



Karen M.
on 12/7/14 7:12 am - Mississauga, Canada

Welcome home and welcome to the bench, Arlene!

YES, do research on the surgery you inadvertently had - lots to learn. :)

Wishing you a speedy recovery,

Karen :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

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