1st Opti
Hi there, I have been on opti-fast since thursday. I am a Guelphie. I use a blender bottle, with the wire ball, and ice and it works great. Great for on the go too. We can't get too fussy with our additions, but there is enough protein in it, you should not need to add any. Before adding anything, ask your bariatric clinic. Getting use to not gnawing' on anything btw.
Thanks Solstice for the help. I found that just shaking the darn stuff it goes foamy so I will have to live with it. I also found that my mindset was wrong when I was consuming it. I was waiting 4 hours before the next one but I didn't have any snacks to go with it.
Do you know why we have to consume it right away after mixing it? Does it go bad or something?