Room situation!!

on 11/11/14 9:04 am

Hiii!!! It's almost my surgery date!! November 19nth!! And I was just wondering for all the Humber River cool cats who've gone through the procedure, what the room situation looks like afterwords? If I was sharing with 2 or 3 people or more if it's comfy etc, my concerns are if I should get a private room or not because...I SNORE!! I sound like a Harley I'm so loud and i would hate to bother my room mate and their family from getting any sleep, also I have a big Indian family who may be loud upon visiting so just weighing out the factors lol! Thank you for reading, oh ya and perhaps if anyone has the time to walk me through what surgery day looks like before and after pweeeeze!!! thank you lots!!!!!!!!!!!! 

on 11/11/14 10:00 am - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 08/11/14

I wasn't at Humber, but at TWH. I had semi private and regret not upgrading to a private. When I asked about it the day after surgery, all the private rooms were full.  I had the the roommate from hell....



on 11/11/14 9:53 pm

Hiii!! Oh nooo!!! I'm sorry you had a not so fun roommate!!! Thanks for sharing your experience!! I think I'm leaning towards a private room😭 so I should ask as soon as I get there right?? :))

Karen M.
on 11/11/14 9:59 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Can I offer an opinion?

I wouldn't ask/pay for a private room for weight loss surgery because:

* you're only there a couple of nights

* you're pretty tired and out of it, so you'll sleep despite what else is going on

* you'll be up walking the halls pretty soon, so out of the room more often

* if you're going to feel like **** you'll feel equally like **** in a private room - no extra cost for the ****

* the nurses will be waking you anyway for vitals, etc.

Just my $0.02 and I have (unfortunately) spent a LOT of time hospitalized in the last couple of years. I've had some very challenging roommates, some equally as challenging nursing staff, and I lived to tell about it. You'll be ever so happy to go home.

K. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 11/11/14 10:25 pm

Karen!!! Of course you can offer your opinion and I appreciate it so much so!!!  Those are great points how do you feel about the snoring though will my roommate hate me??? Will I be the roommate from hell or what 😭😭😭😭

The prices are hideous I just checked them out, if the insurance doesn't cover it I will probably just chill out and forget worrying about it because those pretty pennies I could use for so many other things😢

on 11/12/14 5:49 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 08/19/14

LOL at the snoring ....

If you have a CPAP machine, you have to bring it with you. The tech will set it up for you in your room.

And Karen is right.... you are only spending 2 nights there, save your shiny pennies.


Orientation: Sept 9/13 ~ Social Work Initial Dec 9/13 ~ Nurse Practitioner Dec 16/14 ~ Nutrition Class Jan 20/14 ~ Nutrition Assessment May 2/14 ~ Psychology Assessment May 2/14~ Surgeon Meet: July 25/14 ~ Pre-Admin: July 31/14 ~ OptiFast: Aug 5/14 (2wk) ~ Surgery: Aug 19/14


on 11/11/14 10:17 am - Port Hope, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/11/14

I was at Humber. Luckily I ended up in a semi private room. I had a great room mate so I can't speak about sharing with multiple people. If you feel that it may be an issue I would be looking into it now. You never know who your room mate could be. A few doors down from me a young girl had to share a room with an elderly woman who yelled night and day. I felt so bad for her.  

The day of your surgery you will go to the 5th floor to register. Then they will have you change into those sexy nighties lol. They will then give you the medication ****tail and you will sit in the waiting room until they come for you. Then you will go down to the 2nd floor and wait in the OR waiting room until you are then called again. The surgeon and or anesthesiologist will come and and speak with you and anyone that you've brought down with you. You will say your goodbyes and off you go to the OR. Before you know it your out and then you wake up in recovery. 

That's pretty much it in a nutshell lol. 

Good luck with your surgery!!

Referral - Oct 29/13

Info Session - Nov 18/13...1st surgeon appt - Nov 26/13...RN/SW/RD - Dec - 4/13...Dr.Glazer - Jan 8/14...2nd Surgeon appt - Jan 22/14 PATTS - Jan 29/14...

SURGERY!!!! FEBRUARY 11th 2014.


on 11/11/14 9:54 pm

Holy moly thank you so much for that awesome reply and walk through it's so appreciated, and I feel better now knowing what happens lol!!! I'm glad you got a great roomie, I have the worst luck lol and I may just look into those private rooms haha! Thank you lots !!!!!!

Karen M.
on 11/11/14 10:06 pm - Mississauga, Canada

One thing I wanted to add about Humber: On the morning of surgery after all the sign-in and such as mentioned by Kimber, and after dressing in your designer gown, hat, and shoes, a large group of you will be marched together to the elevator (think: Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work we go) to head to the operating theatres. My dad still to this day cracks up about how funny this looked, all of us dressed and ready and walking single file.

Once you get to the OR area, you'll sit in another small waiting area. At that time, many surgeons come out to speak with their patients. I had the great fortune to have Dr. John Hagen as my surgeon, who came out to talk with me, held my hand, looked me in the eye and said, "You are going to do GREAT, Karen." I'm pretty sure I cried a little when he did that.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 11/11/14 10:26 pm

Haha!! That sounds hilarious to watch!! Oh man now I'm going to be singing hi ho, hi ho, off to get cut open we go !!

mwuahaha makes me feel better though thank you!!!

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