For people in Ottawa, a ray of hope

Nicole M.
on 11/9/14 12:27 am - Canada

I know that the process through the OWMC can drag on compared to some of the other clinics but When I met the surgeon on September 30th, I was told that the surgery wasn't going to happen for another 5 to 6 months. Well, it took just over a month to get a call back to book surgery in early December. For those of you waiting, it won't be that long of a wait. They told me that they said that to not give false hope to anyone. Don't get discouraged :)

on 11/9/14 2:45 am

This is good to hear lilmissdiss, I am sure Ottawans will feel some relief over this. Best of luck with your surgery, it will be here before you know it :0)

on 11/28/14 11:45 am - Canada

I'm glad to hear form someone in Ottawa. I am still waiting for an orientation date. When I called they told me they are trying to shorten the timeframe from orientation to surgery so you wait longer at the beginning and then things move. It is still hard waiting for that orientation date though. 

on 12/21/14 3:42 pm

Thanks for giving us Ottawans an update on timelines!  How did your surgery go? How are you feeling now?

Nicole M.
on 12/21/14 10:20 pm - Canada

The surgery went very well. My recovery is also going great. I'm still amazed. Besides having a bit of pain from the cuts, I feel totally normal. No internal pain whatsoever.  I hope things things go as well for you when the time comes. 

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