What are you eating/doing today? (Friday)

on 10/30/14 5:39 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

17 months post op

steps 11076


Morning all,

Off to work shortly followed by the gym then home to greet the tricker treaters.

B- protein coffee, 1 egg white muffin w/ mushroom and ham 1 sl chia bread toasted twice

S- 1/3 c greek yogurt

L- 1 c homemade turkey veg soup

D- ??? some kind of protein and veggie

S- tea, 4 oz skim milk

Be well everyone








on 10/30/14 6:57 pm

RNY  5 Years 6 Months Post Op

Morning Tanya

You really go to work early!  I am out the door shortly for an early golf game - almost an hour drive to get there but the course is supposed to be wonderful.  Out tonight to a great Italian restaurant so pasta is on my menu today.  I am sweating off a lot of calories this week.

STEPS - 11670


B -     4 oz. OJ - trying to replace some potassium lost in the heat

          Pure protein bar

           Coffee in the car


S on course - banana



L - greek salad with grilled chicken


D - few bites of salad

     squash ravioli

     1 TB of Olive Oil in there somewhere

     1 piece of bread

      two bites of my DH's dessert

      glass of merlot


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,687,  Carbs - 155 Grams,  Fat - 55 Grams,  Protein - 81 Grams


All water and vits - more coffee

have a great one  









on 10/30/14 8:51 pm

Good morning everyone.  Barb squash ravioli would be my downfall, I had some butternut squash soup the other day and was in heaven.  Tanya it sounds like you are rockin the gym near you.  

Today I will doing AquaCycle and I think I will have trouble walking after that class, last night I went biking and my a** is sooooo sore this morning.  Had a fun night with the neighbours last night and our visitor seemed to really enjoy himself.  He goes home on Saturday so DH and I will drive him to the Buffalo airport, and I will make a short trip to buy more US Greek Yogurt, so many great flavours.

3 months post op

B. Chike, decaf coffee and a poached duck egg with a little Hollandaise

S. Chike protein coffee just before my swim

L. Not sure, may go out for lunch

S. Loaded Greek Yogurt (apples, walnuts, pumpkin spice and a little granola)

D. Maybe a little of the inside of a chicken pot pie as I am making a large pie for DH and our visitor.

S. Fit Frappe hot chocolate

Have a wonderful day.  I probably won't post until Sunday as tomorrow will be hectic.

Karen M.
on 10/30/14 10:54 pm - Mississauga, Canada


Grocery shopping, house stuff, making up a special treat bag for my little next-door-neighbour-bestie, going out tonight with friends to a "Hallowe'en-ish" pub party - I say "ish" as costumes aren't essential. I'm wearing a $4 T-shirt that says, I am BOO-tiful. lol Wont be handing out treats due to lack of trick or treaters over the years. :(

8.5 years post-op

- coffee with cream x 4 over the day -

B - Source Greek 50, Premier protein shake

S - a few parm chips & salsa

L - leftover white chicken chii (this turned out really great, yum), dollop of sour cream, 1 oz or so shredded old cheddar

S - Chike protein iced coffee

D - same as lunch

S - club soda while out, likely some popcorn, not sure what else if anything

Have a good one,

K. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 10/30/14 11:58 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning all. Went for a walk with DH yesterday. We had not been walking long and he said we must have done 10, 000 steps. I laughed because I knew were were not even close. We had done about 2, 000. He was shocked. By the time we were back to the car it was only 8, 000 in total. Gave him a sense of how far he needed to actually walk.

After more than 30 years of giving out candy we now go to dinner and a movie. No candy in the house and no left overs.  Taking my brother in law with us.

b greek yogurt, granola, blueberries

l stir fry chicken

d cobb salad with beef tenderloin

s simply bar

cal 929, carb 68.3, prot 97.8






on 10/31/14 12:06 am - Toronto, Canada

Happy Halloween all! 

Been a rough week for me. Migraine city, no sleep but finally had my iron infusion yesterday, which i'm feeling the effects of. My body feels very flu-like. My eating has been really off. I"m up a few pounds, and since having my IUD put in last March, I haven't had many TOM issues....but I think it was saving up for this week. Blech. I know the weight will slide off as I get back into a regular routine, but right now I just want to curl up with a heating pad. OK enough whining. It's Halloween, and I have 4 + 1 children dressed up for tonight. (Ross is Walter White...shaved his head this morning, hilarious). I have devil horns, that's all I could muter up. 

B: white bean bread with natural peanut butter

S: crave jerky

L: chicken and veggies

S: premier shake

D: chicken legs and bok choy 

And trying hard for NO candy!! 

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 10/31/14 12:08 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Hope you feel better Kelly





on 10/31/14 8:58 am

11 weeks post op today - yay!  Was supposed to got out to a dinner but I don't feel like it, did not get home until late from and just want to veg.  Doing yoga tomorrow again, really liked it last time. Got a lot of walking in today, especially since I forgot I had driven to wor****il 4 stops after I got on the bus.  Yes, there was some walking to get back after that one.  Not the first time that has happened either, probably not the last. lol  Managed to resist the free pizza and Halloween candy from 4 sources during the day, rather proud of myself. 

11 weeks post-op

b - premier protein shake, b12, multi

s - xl decaf coffee, calcium/d

l - lentil beef chilli leftovers, sf key lime yogurt, calcium/d

s - 2 sf yogurts - key lime and mandarin, later...2 melba toast

d - 2 chicken nibblers, some of that cabbage turkey crockpot meal I made - leftovers, turned out really yummy!, a little cheese

s - oatmeal, skim milk, sucralose

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