Qualifications for Surgery?

(deactivated member)
on 10/30/14 3:34 am - Mississauga, Canada

Hi there,

I met with my GP today to get my referral to the Bariatric Registry.  She did everything and faxed it in. I am a bit concerned because of some of the questions that it asks on the referral form for example, it asks if you are Type 2 diabetic, I am not but I am borderline diabetic, it asks if you have high blood pressure that is controlled by less than 2 medications, I am, but I still have high blood pressure, it is just controlled by meds, right?

I am concerned that based on those answers I may not qualify but I really should.....

Anyone have any experience?

on 10/30/14 3:42 am - Arnprior, Canada

If you have a BMI of 40 or higher, you qualify without other issues.  If you have a BMI of 35, you do need co-morbitities.  Even if it's controlled, you still have High Blood pressure.  Actually, if it wasn't controlled, they would want that done before you had surgery.  I'm not 100% sure about your diabetes, but it might be how the doc wrote it down.  Your blood pressure would count as a co-morbidity.

Good luck on your journey.




(deactivated member)
on 10/30/14 3:47 am - Mississauga, Canada

Thank you!  My BMI is 45 right now but even if it was 40, I suspect the Blood Pressure would still be an issue.

on 10/30/14 4:05 am - Arnprior, Canada

I can not see why they wouldn't qualify you.  There will be a lot of hurry up and wait.  You may want to contact the Registry in a week or so and confirm that they received your referal.  And at that point you can confim which hospital you'll be assigned to.


Karen M.
on 10/30/14 5:07 am - Mississauga, Canada

Based on your BMI of 45 you should definitely qualify, yes. Hopefully you'll hear soon with an orientation date!




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 11/2/14 4:15 am - Brampton, Canada

I can speak to the Type 2 borderline Diabetes 2.  You will qualify. One of the contributing factors to your being "borderline" is due to the weight.  After the surgery and some weight has disappeared, you will find you are no longer "borderline".

I was Diabetic Type 2 pre-op.  Lost the weight AND lost the diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes.

It's amazing the different ways obesity affects our bodies. Blood pressure, back, hip, knee, foot pain.

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.  

on 11/2/14 10:13 am - Thunder Bay, Canada

They ask you those questions to see if being obese is effecting your quality of life or your health. Basically to weigh the options. Is giving you surgery cheaper than treating you for diabetes/high blood pressure for the rest of your life. I have no health problems other than being overweight and I was approved.. currently going through all of the appointments to get a surgery date. I think based ok you be I and your comorbidities you'll be approved. Good luck!

Referral sent : July 29, 2014 |  Orientation : Oct 17, 2014  |  Blood work & ECG : Oct 20, 2014  |  Medical Intake : Oct 23, 2014  | Ultrasound Appt : Nov 3, 2014 | Dietician : Nov 5th, 2014  |   Psychologist : Nov 6, 2014  | Opti : Jan 15th |  Surgery : Jan 28th

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