What are you eating/doing today? (Wednesday)

on 10/28/14 7:19 pm, edited 10/28/14 7:21 pm

Good morning everyone.  Yesterday was very hectic.  Started off with swimming and my strategic ally showed up and along with my visitor and friend of 30 years we made some serious waves in the pool.  One of the "non wavers" brought an ally of her own (her husband) but half way through the class he told his wife to stop nagging him and he was going to exercise the way he wanted and then he joined us in making waves, absolute triumph.  Strategic ally and I purchased tickets together (60 in all) so I know that she will continue coming to swimming every Tuesday and we will dominate the warm pool.

Had a wonderful time in Toronto yesterday seeing old friends with our visitor.  Lots of laughs, lots of compliments all round, lots of pastries (none of which I had) and a promise that I would come back next month for a day of AGO, spa and dinner.

Today it's swimming, find a pumpkin, carve said pumpkin, buy treats for Halloween and then dinner with a group of friends at a tapas restaurant.

B. Chike, Chike, Chike before and after swimming

S. Maybe an egg and turkey sausage

L. Leftover Swiss Chalet chicken and a small bit of mashed potato

S. possibly another Chike (it is going to be a long day)

D.  Not sure, but if they have scallops I will have those.

S. Fit Frappe protein hot chocolate.

Have a wonderful day.

on 10/28/14 7:38 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

16 months post op

steps 15872


CC, LMAO! Your plan is working if non-waver's DH joined your side making waves! Love it, 

Off to work soon, no other plans. Day off from the gym, so lots of walking today. 

B- protein coffee, 1/2 c Source Cherry Yogurt, 10 raw almonds

S- 1/3 c ff cottage cheese 1 mandarine orange, 

L- 3 oz baked trout w/ 1/2 c sweet kale salad

D- 2 eggwhites w/ onion, mushroon, 1 sl chai seed bread toasted

S- tea, 4 oz skim milk

Be well everyone








on 10/28/14 8:17 pm

RNY  5 Years 6 Months Post Op

Morning CC and Tanya - nice menu's

Day off from golf today.  My back cant take this much golf- booked it due to visitors but wont do this again. 

STEPS - 11893


B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

    Premier protein shake


L - grilled chicken on Greek salad

     couple of pita points with tzatziki


D - 1 glass of wine

     4-5 oz of meat or fish - not sure on the restaurant yet

    few bites of veg


S - Greek yogurt with 1 tb of granola


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,217,  Carbs - 58 Grams,  Fat - 31 Grams,  Protein - 121 Grams


All water and vits

Have a great one  






on 10/28/14 10:52 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I have been keeping busy but not many steps. We went for a bike ride yesterday. Ended up sprinting home when the wind came up and the sky darkened. Today we are off shortly for a walk with the dog, then going for a bike ride. Possibly the Rouge valley.

Have a good day everyone

b greek yogurt, granola, blueberries

l deli turkey, slice cheese, SF chocolate pudding

s simply bar

d Maple leaf turkey in gravy

s grapes

cal 839, carb 79.4, prot 91.2





Karen M.
on 10/28/14 10:56 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Morning all :)

Everyone's menu looks fab today while I'm feeling uninspired - thanks for the ideas lol Dr. appointment this morning, a little shopping, will do some cooking this afternoon, not sure what else. CC, how hilarious that you converted a non-waver's assumed ally - this in itself signifies warm pool domination - success!

8.5 years post-op (long-term maintenance)

- coffee with cream x 3 before I leave -

B - Source Greek 50, Premier protein shake

L - small whole wheat wrap stuffed with 2.5 oz pc angus roast beef (the only deli rb I will eat, so good), 1 oz Havarti, lettuce, tomato, red onion, mustard, horseradish, mayo

S - Chike protein iced coffee

D - crustless quiche, large scoop homemade salsa

S - parm chips & salsa

Have a good one,

K. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 10/29/14 10:11 am

Several of the xl tops I bought 2 weeks ago are too low in the front now to wear to work - I have gone down 2 cup sizes and 2 band sizes since surgery and it really makes a difference in how clothing fits me now.  Everything falls too low in the front.  If only some of the weight would leave my belly then it would look more balanced.  On the plus side I have less back pain.  Walked at lunch today and did 35 mins on the elliptical or 330 calories worth.  Made a new dish in the crockpot last night, here is the recipe:  http://skinnyms.com/slow-cooker-lower-carb-cabbage-roll-stew /.  It is mostly cabbage and I substituted ground turkey for the beef because it was what I had available.  I'll let you know how it is in my next post.

10.75 wks post op

b -  premier protein drink, b12, multi, xl decaf coffee

s - liberte lemon greek yogurt

l - leftover homemade lentil beef chilli, calcium/d

s - 1 melba toast, 1 cheese string...later 1 sf greek yogurt key lime pie flavour, half a smart for life protein bar (peanut butter), calcium/d

d - 1/2 vegetarian burrito bowl from mucho burrito, no rice, no tortilla

s - a little oatmeal with sliced mini banana and skim milk

before bed: omega, vit d

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