What are you doing/eating today ( Saturday)

on 10/24/14 6:43 pm

RNY  5 Years 6 Months Post Op



Nice day planned with my DH including dinner at a great restaurant for our anniversary.  Hope everyone has a great Saturday.

STEPS - 13,890


B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

    Premier protein shake


S - 4 oz grilled chicken


L - 2 ham and pickle roll ups


D - 1 flute of champagne

      1/2 small Caesar salad

      4 oz beef tenderloin

      Cauliflower mash

      glass of merlot

     few bites of my husbands dessert


s - 80 calorie greek yogurt


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,415,  Carbs - 47 grams,  Fat - 47 Grams,  Protein - 127 Grams


All water - 2 litres - more decaf - all vits

Have a great one  







on 10/24/14 7:39 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

16 months post open

Steps 12749 

Happy anniversary Barb. Enjoy your day.

A at work already. No plans today, just home after work and rest.

B-protein coffee 1/3 c steel cut oats w/dates 

S sm banana greek yogurt

L salad w/ 3 oz chicken

D 3 oz trout 2 bites sweet potato

S tea 4oz skim milk.

Be well everyone








on 10/24/14 10:41 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Happy Anniversary Barb. Sounds like a great dinner. I have all this free time this week. Not sure where to start. LOL. So I guess I start with walking the dog this morning.

b yogurt, granola,

l protein+ with skim milk

d chicken stir fry, salad

cal 586, carb 44.2, prot 59.4

Will add some food along the way





on 10/24/14 11:09 pm

Hope you have a great week Pat.  You have been working so hard the past while - good to decompress






Karen M.
on 10/25/14 12:39 am - Mississauga, Canada

Morning all,

Happy Anniversary, Barb - many happy years to come!

Stayed out a bit late last night, was exhausted when I got home and then spent half the friggin' night walking the floors dealing with excruciating cramps in both my feet. Note to self: Your feet do not like those shoes. Give it up.

Slow start this morning, the coffee is abundant, not sure what's up for the day - happy to veg a little :)

8.5 years post-op

- coffee with cream x 4 over the day -

B - Source Greek 50

S - 1 slice whole grain toast, 1 egg, salsa

L - Source Greek 50, apple slices for dipping, brie on 2 melba toast

S - Premier protein shake

D - 3 oz chicken breast, 1/4 baked acorn squash

S - no clue

Have a good one,

K. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 10/25/14 5:40 am

Ughh, if your feet are sore - everything is sore






Karen M.
on 10/25/14 6:00 am - Mississauga, Canada

They don't hurt at all during the day - it's when they wake me from a dead sleep with the cramping/extreme flexing that it's pretty close to intolerable. Once I can get it under control it's usually ok for the rest of the night (sometimes not :( ) Maybe I need orthopedic shoes lol



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 10/25/14 2:50 am

Happy anniversary birdiegirl, have an awesome time.  Karen sore feet are the pits, have you tried a nice foot bath?  Been a busy day so far - did my first yoga class in over 3 years this morning! Then I went to the farmers market and to the new tangers outlet mall that opened up last week.  I don't understand outdoor malls being built in Canada, to me it makes not sense in a country where it is not nice to walk for half the year.  Parking was insane!  Tonight I am going to a buffet and the casino with some new friends, my first buffet since surgery.  I am going to stick to stuff I know I can eat with a focus on protein and a little veg, possibly a little fresh fruit.  I will let you guys know how it goes tomorrow.  Bought some garlic scape pesto today at the farmers market, which consists of organic garlic scapes, almonds, olive oil, and parmesan cheese.  It was a favourite before surgery, hopefully I can still have it.  Plan to add it to soups, stews, salsa, melba toast, etc.

10 weeks post op rny

b - 1/4 egg, homefries, bacon, fresh pineapple (note to self: do not order homefries or you will eat too many)

s - handful of almonds, sf zero vitamin water, multi, b12

l - premier protein shake, leftover homemade lentil beef chill from freezeri, calcium/d

s - oatmeal with a baby banana and skim milk, sucralose, calcium/d

d - buffet: 1 cup of food, mostly protein with a little veg, fruit, decaf coffee or herbal tea

s - baby banana with handful almonds (need to use up those baby bananas)

before bed: omega, vit d


Karen M.
on 10/25/14 3:03 am - Mississauga, Canada

Unfortunately I have tried just about everything for the Charlie-horse-foot-thing. Some days (NIGHTS) it's worse than others. I believe it's due to potassium deficiency which is a sometimes-result of the meds I have to take for my liver, despite supplementing each day (and magnified with the way my feet are positioned in some shoes during the day). When it happens I take additional potassium, drink a huge vat of water and walk it off. lol

I've been thinking of taking up yoga, glad you enjoyed it! As for the buffet dinner - I find a buffet the easiest meal out. I can pick and choose small amounts of stuff I like and get a nice (balanced) variety.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 10/25/14 5:25 am

How often so you get the foot thing?  Sounds like you have a solid plan in place, hope it helps you feel better soon.  Yoga was nice but I took it easy as my body is not used to the movement.  My favourite part was the end where they get you to pay attention to your breathing while doing gentle stretching.  The downward dog and lunges were hard and some I just can't do, my body does not move that way.  Knee was mostly ok but is till tender during the kneeling stuff.  I did it at goodlife as it is included in my membership.  I would do it again, it was nice to see how much more easily I can move now. I guess the main issue I have with the all-you can eat buffet is the price - 17.99 for a cup of food seems like a lot to me, and since these are new friends I do not want to pull out my rny card to get the kiddie portion, prefer to keep some stuff to myself for the time being.  But you are right, a buffet gives a lot of variety so I will be able to pick and choose, which is fun.  I will let you know how it goes but I am sure it will be fine.  The only times I have had trouble with eating so far have been when I stopped paying attention when I was eating.  Never a good thing!

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