The Road Travelled
Today is my one year anniversary of RNY Surgery!
Last year I came to a fork in the road of life.
On one side there was a very smooth and easy journey . A road that seemed to go downhill. A road where I could see the end. On the other side of me there was another road. A road that seemed to be going uphill at times. A road that was rough however I could not see the end of this road. Did it flatten out? Was it all up hill? Where does it end? These are questions I asked myself. Do I want to keep travelling down a road that I have been travelling on for many, many years? A road that is easy and downhill, a road that I see the end of . It's an end that is so predictable. An end that no person wants to reach. The end of this road is close for many. Do I want to pick this road and get to the end before I need to?
I didn't want the easy road any more I chose to take the rough uphill road. The road where I need to use all my wits and my stamina to walk. A road that goes on and on.
The road I travel has been rough and a lot of the time a steep up hill journey. Has the journey this past year been easy? The answer is simple for me. The answer has been no it's not been easy. I have had complications from the RNY surgery. I have had many trips to the hospital I have endured many tests . Four weeks ago I have had a second surgery to correct some of the issues. Has the second surgery successful? No it hasn't . I still have some of the same issues on going.
Do I experienced pain? Yes!
Do I sometimes feel down? Yes!
The question I get all the time is ... Knowing then what you know now would you do it again? and Why would you put yourself through it?
The answer....
Yes I would. I believe the road I chose will eventually smooth out and become easier to walk on.
And ... I still cannot see the end of this road
You have a great attitude...I am only 5 months out and have had a few complications too, but I still wouldn't change a thing.
Congratulations on your 1 year, and thank you for sharing.

- Referral: Feb 2013/ Guelph
- RNY May 20th 2014 (Dr. Bhojani)
- 2nd RNY (revision due to marginal ulcers) Aug. 10th 2015 ( Dr. Bhojani)
- Revision to VSG (marginal ulcers): March 22nd 2016 (Hamilton, Dr. Hong)
- Total Gastrectomy: Dec. 15th 2016 (Hamilton, Dr. Hong)
Happy 1 year! Wishing you continued success and good health!
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