I was rejected - I'm devastated, but I'll be ok

(deactivated member)
on 10/21/14 5:18 am

You will be okay.It is very emotional going through the process. I had to do the six month nutrition program.Luckily I had started a few months prior to meeting with the surgeon. I am sorry that you feel this way.It does help going to a nutritionist to get yourself ready. I know it seems like forever.But it is worth it and so are you.

Also one thing that does help is seeing a therapist.There are so many reasons why we eat and they do help. 

Take care


on 10/21/14 5:32 am

Thy have to know how desperate you are. I recall crying, explaining that I had tried so many diets practically all my life, including diet pills, and was just unsuccessful with losing weight/keeping it off despite exercising and dieting (I mentioned WW, Atkins, Jenny Craig, the workout programs I did at home as well as at my local gym. I had a loooong list lol). I never spoke with anyone over the the phone. Instead, I spoke to my doc during an appt (I had been telling her for years that I knew something was wrong with my body and metabolism because I had tried everything and could never lose weight. I finally broke down crying to her and could barely even get any words out and rather than telling me to keep exercising and dieting, as she had always told me for years, she referred me to an endocrinologist and the rest is history). My endocrinologist worked closely with the wl surgeons, and he was the one *****ferred me for wls after diagnosing me with PCOS and insulin resistance syndrome. He came to me saying he had good news and bad news. I still remember him saying, "Well the good news is that you are NOT crazy or lazy. You actually have a couple of things which are preventing you from being able to lose weight so that's why you are unsuccessful even though you work out and diet. The bad news is you have PCOS AND insulin resistance syndrome". I cried like a baby, because I had worked and suffered for so long and I finally had a real reason as to why I  could not lose weight. Don't give up. Keep fighting for wls if you feel you truly need it and it will help you. Go to you doc/specialist, and cry if you have to ;)

on 10/21/14 6:38 am
RNY on 05/16/12

I don't think this is new information. When I was referred in August of 2011 I had to document all the weight loss attempts that I had done. I actually had to write down my starting and end weights, aka how much I lost and regained.

I would be calling back as it sounds like your physician didn't feel the form out correctly and you were caught off guard by a telephone interview.

HW 282 OW 273 SW 247 CW 232

Karen M.
on 10/21/14 6:44 am - Mississauga, Canada

Completely agree with you, Katie!



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

(deactivated member)
on 10/21/14 7:07 am, edited 10/21/14 7:08 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

I had to do the same, but the OP stated her diet attempts were not recognized, or not enough, and that they required documented proof' her wording of "long history of documented professional guidance with weight loss and food nutrition" that is how I read her post, anyway. Most all of my diet attempts were on my own, and not with professional guidance on weight loss and food nutrition... That's why I said, I couldn't understand why she had been turned away, unless she outright said "i haven't dieted much, or something along those lines..

Onward and

on 10/21/14 9:22 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

It's ridiculously stupid. If you are morbidly obese, there is no diet that works, statistically, including that stupid opti program that some centers have instituted in order to divert people from surgery and, frankly, waste their time on a stupid fad diet that doesn't work in the long term.


Yes, I had to log my previous weight loss diet attempts. So as long as I had sunk a crap ton of money I couldn't afford into expensive weight loss programs that do nothing but rob your wallet, emotionally manipulate you and leave you fatter in the long run, then you can get the science-based help that works? That is what is considered having guidance from experts? Infuriating.

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

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on 10/21/14 7:46 am - Hamilton, Canada
RNY on 05/26/14

Wow, I was never asked to provide any proof of previous programs...they just asked how many diets have I tried...I listed like 5 or 6 fad diets and was approved thru Hamilton...Guelph really is tough!  Keep trying is all I can say.



(deactivated member)
on 10/21/14 7:50 am

Guelph is an excellent clinic. They are stricked yes, but well worth it. They want to make sure you are committed. In reality you were not rejected for surgery. Even when you get into the program, you wont know if you are approved until you meet the surgeon. When you have all your appointments after you get into the program, the appointments are all pre qualifying appointments. So I suggest do what the nurse suggested, if you want this surgery bad enough, do it. But remember it all comes down to the decision of the surgeon. 

on 10/21/14 9:01 am - Canada

Just a thought.....could it be your BMI is on the cusp?  As in, not that high? I'm wondering if their thought is that IF your BMI is not that high they want to make sure you have made attempts to lose weight using other methods first since you have less to lose than someone with a high BMI.

just a thought.... Don't give up!

on 10/21/14 10:26 am
RNY on 05/16/12

I reread your original post and am a little confused. I thought the wait from the time you were referred to the registry was months and months. You said you got a call 2 1/2 weeks later.

I haven't really paid attention to the process since I'm post op but that doesn't make sense.


HW 282 OW 273 SW 247 CW 232

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