Lots of questions (newbie to OH).

(deactivated member)
on 10/16/14 2:27 pm - Orillia, Canada

I am wondering what types of supplements you take after surgery? Does it vary from person to person? How much do you typically pay for the supplements? I know you have to take some vitamins and like protein powder? Any info is greatly appreciated.

on 10/16/14 4:15 pm

Hiii :))

I am also pre op so I will try and answer what I know, without experience though so I apologize!

Post op it looks like we will be taking



Calcium citrate

and a Multivitamin with zinc


+whatever the doctor modifies for your body for example I also take Vitamid D pills 

With regards to protein as long as it falls within the guidelines (I.e. making sure it is protein and not a meal replacement, that it is not high in sugar or fat etc)  it is acceptable so the possibilities are endless for protein and many people have their own preferences!! 

At orientation we are given a package with so much variety for the vitamin and protein types so the prices vary.


Before surgery many people also are required to follow a pre op liquid diet consisting usually of optifast which is roughly $110 a week and it also varies on how many weeks each of us are required to be on it, I will be on the liquid diet for 3 weeks. The purpose of it is to shrink our liver so when the surgeon goes in laparoscopically our livers are firm and easy to maneuver rather than fatty and harder for the tools to move out of the way safely!


All the best on your journey!! It is totally an exciting one!

on 10/16/14 10:02 pm - Arnprior, Canada

Some of it depends on the individual, but the basic stuff you take is:

Multivitimin (high iron content) x 2

Calcium Citrate (not Calcium Carbonate which is more common, but harder to absorb) 1500mg (total amount of what you take 2 - 3 times a day)

Vitamin D

Vitamin B12

If you are on any supplements/meds now, you may take them post surgery depending on what they are.  You may also need to take iron, but it depends on your bloodwork.  Right after surgery, you may need to take a blood thinner for a bit (I never have).

When you do orientation, they will go over all of this.  And some centres even suggest brands that you can buy that have the appropriate levels.  For a few months after surgery, you will need chewable or liquid supplements, but then can go on regular pills.

As for costs, some find things at Costco, I find most of my stuff at Wal-Mart.  Protein powders, don't worry about trying them now.  Your taste will change with surgery.  What you like today, you may not like post surgery.  Some like the premier protein shakes at Costco.  Others like some from GNC/Popeye's.  I can't remember the price for the ready made shakes at Costco, and the other can be $40+



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