How long did your process take?!?!

on 10/17/14 12:32 am

Within a week of seeing my doctor for the referral, the Sudbury Centre phoned me to get my address to send me the paperwork.  A week later, I got it in the mail.  My referral was sent on September 10th only, so I know I have some waiting ahead.

Good luck and don't give up!

on 10/17/14 3:23 am

I find you really have to be pro-active or you can get lost in the process. My referral was sent May/2014 after 4 weeks I double checked with my physicians office that they had in fact faxed my referral. After that I waited another 2 weeks I managed to find a number for the Bariatric Registry and I called and left a message. I just wanted confirmation that my referral had been received. 2 weeks later in July I received confirmation that my referral had been received and that my referral was sent to HRRH. I then began to call the center to see if they had my referral and ask about available orientation dates. I got an orientation session in September. I called back to ask about cancellations and got a date for August. I think a year is a little long and can see why you would be frustrated. I agree with the above comments, look up which center you have been referred to and go from there. Good-Luck !!!


Referral May 14th/14, HRRH Orientation Aug/18th/14, Surgeon (Dr.Starr) Appt Nov/28th/14, Clinic Nurse,Social Worker, Dietitian Dec/15th/14, Dr.Glazer Feb/5th/15, OptiFast Feb/16th/15, PATTS Feb/17th/15, Surgery March 2nd/15 HW 230, SW 202, CW 130

on 10/17/14 4:24 am - London, Canada

I believe it was 2 months until I heard from the clinic

My process is below in my "signature"

Keep your head up...and keep after the referring doctor.


Jennifer Buckley-Golder * Hamilton, On CANADA * Revision Surgery Date: November 14, 2014 (stapeling to RNY) * down 50 lbs Jan 12, 2015 *

(deactivated member)
on 10/17/14 9:37 am - Orillia, Canada

Thank you everyone for your kind replies.  I am trying to stay positive.  I am going to badger my doctor again to see if they have heard anything.  I tried calling the Humber bariatric Centre cause that is where my postal code said I would be referred and they say wait and see if you get anything in the mail.

on 10/21/14 12:11 am - Canada

Like everyone else has said definately call. The only other issue there could be is if your doctor was registered with them. I know each doc has to be signed up with the program before the referral is sent it. My timeline was fairly quick from referral being sent in to actual surgery. I went through fast because I asked for cancelled appointments.


Orientation May 2013, Surgeon( Dr.Lindsay) July 17, Rescheduled RN/NUT/ SW and got lucky with a cancellation July 18, Dr.Linsday 2nd appt Aug.19, Dr.Lindsay was overbooked switched to Dr.Starr on Oct.8, Surgery Dr.Starr Nov.8,2013


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