The moment I REALLY knew -- a trip to Penningtons

on 10/15/14 6:40 am - Canada
RNY on 01/05/15

Aww, thanks Jen!  You're in my thoughts a lot as your date gets closer!  If you've managed to develop any kick a$$ Opti shake formulas, feel free to share!  You've been powering through this whole thing like a trooper (and I'm rooting for you)! 


 ~ Per aspera ad astra ☆彡 


(deactivated member)
on 10/15/14 7:13 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

Can't help you there. I may be the most uncreative opti person ever. Although I read many recipes that looked great, I have just stuck to the one thing that tastes good to me, which is coffee and opti. That's all I have tried that I actually liked. I am a huge coffee lover. 

Thanks lady!! It feels unreal, but I am ready.  Still nervous, my first surgery ever and all, but ready.



on 10/15/14 8:52 am - Kitchener, Canada

Hi Ms Muggins,. I am pre-op and actually wrote a blog today on my profile page about getting my head in the game and burying my fear. Like you I have been very patient with the process, not moving along too fast and I am ok with that. I wondered why many pre-ops were so upset about how slow the process is and questioned why the long wait didn't bother me. For me when I really sat down and thought about was that I  was a little uncertain of if this was the right thing for me or not.. and bottom line I was afraid of the changes that I knew would come....that fear came from different places and I dealt with it. ( read my blog on my page if you would like)....Anyway I can certainly relate to your post and find it amusing your Ah uh moment happened in the big P store lol where everything is 2 x the cost ..( I will be so happy to not have to shop there any more) ...As for Surgery itself....YIKES..... I think I too will be petrified going into surgery but I also know without a doubt this tool is my last chance...good for you for being so realistic  and patient with the process...I think it shows we may be more ready then we think in a very mindful manner.  Good Luck and I will be watching for you !! :)


Referral to Guelph:  January 2014 ~ Orientation Guelph: April 24.14~ Meet Nurse: June 03.14, August 28.14 ~ Meet SW: June 16.14 & Aug.28.14 & Feb.09.15   ~ Meet Dietician: June 16.14, August 28.14 & Nov.19.14~  Dec.31.14 & Feb.05.15 Meet Internist Dr Agarwal: Sept.28.14 ~ Post Op Nutrition class: March 16.2015  Meet Surgeon: April 16.15 ~ Approved for surgery: April 16.15 ~  Surgery Date: July 14.15 ~ Started Opti:  July 07.14~ Opti Starting weight: TBD~ Surgery weight: TBD ~ Goal weight: 150  


on 10/15/14 9:21 am - Canada
RNY on 01/05/15

Hi Darlene!  "The Big P - where everything is 2x the cost"... I love it! And yes, I'm with you on being thankful about not needing to shop there anymore (that one is high on my list of NSVs that I can't wait to experience).  No more hideous, big print florals with buttons the size of Alaska (does anyone really buy that stuff??).  Thanks for your kind words...glad to find those who are like minded.  I'm going to head on over and check out your blog!


 ~ Per aspera ad astra ☆彡 


on 10/15/14 11:29 am

Thanks so much for your post.  You have put my experience into words so well.  I have gone through the same things.  First appointments in March 2013, was doing great on my own, freaked out about being a failure and choosing surgery.  Second round of first appointments September 2014, same damn knee jerk reaction!!!!  I was ready to bail.  Again!   I wanted to know where the knee jerk reaction was coming from so I sat with it.  And it came from my fear of actually changing my life and succeeding!  It would be a permanent change to my 41 year relationship with food. Something that has been constant. There. I also had to work through my feelings of feeling like a failure for not doing it on my own.  But honestly, I have DIETED my way up to 295 pounds and I don't see things changing.  Then I had this thought......when I was pregnant and working on my birth plan, I decided that if I needed an epidural or meds or whatever, I was going to do what I needed to do, because there was no award for doing it the "right" way. The end goal is a safely delivered healthy baby.  I then decided that there is no award for losing weight the "right" way either.  And if it takes surgery for me to be successful, then so be it.  And with that thought, I made my peace with my decision to go ahead with it.  Waiting for my second round of appointments on November 18th and I cannot wait.  Envisioning myself in a year or two in a normal sized body blows my mind and I am committed. 

Referral sent- June/July 2014  Orientation GGH- Aug. 28/14  SW/Nurse/Nutritionist- Sept. 18/15  SW/Nurse/Nutritionist Part 2- Nov. 18/15  Pre-surgery education class- Feb. 9/15  Meet surgeon - Mar. 23/15  Surgery date- May 29, 2015  A great day to start a new chapter in my life!


on 10/15/14 11:50 am - Canada
RNY on 01/05/15

Margarita_mrs, I completely agree with your birth analogy, it's so true that ultimately it's getting to that healthy destination, no matter how you get there.  I'm a stubborn cuss and prone to convincing myself that if only I could just get myself together, then I could do it by myself.  But after doing a lot of research and looking at the stats, it was clear to me that WLS, and in particular RNY, will give me the greatest chance to achieve my goals.  I had trouble accepting even the concept of RNY in the beginning, but the more I read, the more it made sense for me.  Good luck to you too on this journey...choosing a new life is a huge and wondrous step!


 ~ Per aspera ad astra ☆彡 


on 10/15/14 11:34 am - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 08/11/14

Love your post! You will remember that moment for a long time :) wish you all the best!



on 10/15/14 11:52 am - Canada
RNY on 01/05/15

Thanks, Blueiiis!  I'm so grateful to find such wonderful and supportive people here!


 ~ Per aspera ad astra ☆彡 


on 10/15/14 11:40 am

Loved reading this! Brought me to tears!!! But the GOOD kind. Very encouraging for those of us who are on the fence and simply afraid of wls (in my case revision surgery). 

on 10/15/14 12:00 pm - Canada
RNY on 01/05/15

Thanks, Kattattak... These forums are so helpful.  I learn something new everyday on here, and it's also so great to connect with people who are going through the same things as I am!  Good luck with your surgery, I wish you the very best!


 ~ Per aspera ad astra ☆彡 


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