I've fallen sooo far off

on 10/14/14 3:55 pm - Brampton, Canada

.............the yellow brick road.

I don't know if I even remember how to track my food.   or the amounts

I was supposed to go for my yearly check up with the nurse/dietician at Finch. I cancelled. The dietician I never found helpful anyways and I did love the nurse but she knows what's going on in my head so no point repeating it? ...I should waste my gas and parking money because?? I just remembered why. Sorry! (truly)

I vaguely remember the basics.  I need one of the old timers to remind me how you do this again. Almost from scratch in  point form? I sort of remember writing down everything? but quantities are fuzzy. I remember protein is a biggie  and I still do that.  I stabilized at 200-ish.

My health has sucked rocks. Lung collapsed at end of June & it took 3 months to heal. (Not to mention really damn painful!) and I still wheeze on humid days so exercise has been a challenge.

It's really hard for me to ask for help. Really hard. I'm stubborn and private about stuff but......here  I am




Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.  

on 10/14/14 8:16 pm


Sounds like you have had a tough time of it.  Understand how difficult it is to come on here and ask for help.  Glad you decided to.


1.  Myfitnesspal.  I find this a great tool to track my numbers and ensure I am not eating more then I should.  Just make sure you are measuring your amounts so the info inputted is correct. 

2.  Protein. Number one on your list of edibles.  I try to get 100 grams per day each and every day.  If I see this number at 100 then I know I am eating the correct amount and not filling my pouch with too many carbs and useless ( but albeit tasty) food.  Dense protein will keep you full the longest and the quickest. Do I remember correctly that you are vegan?  If so, it will be a bit more difficult for you to work on this.  But it is paramount to your continued success.  Tofu - Yogurt - ( eggs and fish if you eat them), cheese etc etc.  Legumes are great too with lots of carbs but at least they are complex.

3.  Water.  2 litres of water or other non caloric liquid every day.  Please don't turn to soda as for some reason I see those who drink pop have a tendency to gain weight in the long term.  I have no science to back me on this, just anecdotal reading on this forum.  Learn to like water if you don't already.  It is your friend when hungry, thirsty or just bored.


4.  Calories - yeah they count this far out.  Find out your set point by trial and error and go below to lose.  My set point for maintenance is 1500 - 2000 depending on activity that day/week.  I am trying to lose regain....****ep going off track too...but I get back on the horse when ready) so now I try to stay in the 1000 - 1400 range.  I have lost 15 since Christmas which isn't a great rate of loss - however I am not actively working on it each week.  ( I have many splurge days...

5. Simple Carbs - these can be a monster and de-rail all of your efforts.  Crackers seem to be the biggest culprit for many ( they certainly are for me)....bread - potatoes - rice - pick your pleasure....try to get off these if you are presently consuming them. 

6.  white-knuckling - you will have to do this for a few days to clean your system of sugar and white carbs.  It will be tough but do-able .  Eat protein when hungry until the carb and sugar cravings subside. 

7 GETTING BACK ON THE HORSE.....each and every time you fall off.  None of us are perfect.  We make mistakes or get diet fatigue and just want what we want.  Try to read your old posts when you were full of hope and determination.  Remember what it felt like.  Read newbie posts on OH to remember how awful being morbidly obese felt.  Don't ever forget this.  If you get bored and are looking for food - come on OH and read until it passes.  If you are able - get some exercise.  Walk and smell the air.  Swim - do chair movements.  Just try to incorporate some movement in your day.  I love my fitbit ( purchase online or at BestBuy type stores) as it keeps track of my steps so I can ensure I am not sitting too long.


YOU CAN DO THIS.....its is NEVER too late to use your tool to maintain or lose some weight.  Your pouch is unlikely to have stretched.  Just fill it with the right ingredients....DENSE PROTEIN AND WATER...( not together though...) are your mainstays. 

GET YOUR LABS done if you haven't recently.  Get all the vitamins and minerals checked as each play a roll in your wellbeing.  If you are able - go to that appointment at your clinic.  Labs are critical to ensure your health.  Find a way to remind you to take your vitamins - calcium etc that you are prescribed by your clinic. 

WE ARE EACH INDIVIDUALS...and your route may be different then mine.  Own it.  The mental lift from turning this around will be tremendous.  Clean your kitchen of simple carbs and sugar items...and pick a date to begin again.  That horse is ready for you to ride again.







on 10/14/14 9:41 pm

Such a great reply - thank you!

on 10/14/14 10:51 pm - Kitchener, Canada

Hello Birdiegirl what a wonderful reply.....I copied and pasted it to my journal ( hope you dont mind) ...I have not had my surgery yet but I am working hard to make the changes now...so your nicely laid out hints are amazing :)  as a matter of fact reading your reply made me change my dinner selection for tonight..I was going to have a baked potatoe with my chicken  but realized as much as I like baked potaoes they are not the best choice...so I will swap it for a healthier carb vegetables maybe cauliflower or broccoli...Thank you so much! 

It's been wonderful for me as a newbie to see how you all support each other....also when people are so brave to share that after a year they have fallen off track it helps me to understand the complexity of WLS and it encourages me to really make the changes I need to now...before surgery.....so it makes the post op process a little easier...WLS is  NOT the easy way out as some people think...As I read these boards I see how everyone's journey is similar yet very unique.... birdeigirl I love how you encourage us to OWN IT!! 



Referral to Guelph:  January 2014 ~ Orientation Guelph: April 24.14~ Meet Nurse: June 03.14, August 28.14 ~ Meet SW: June 16.14 & Aug.28.14 & Feb.09.15   ~ Meet Dietician: June 16.14, August 28.14 & Nov.19.14~  Dec.31.14 & Feb.05.15 Meet Internist Dr Agarwal: Sept.28.14 ~ Post Op Nutrition class: March 16.2015  Meet Surgeon: April 16.15 ~ Approved for surgery: April 16.15 ~  Surgery Date: July 14.15 ~ Started Opti:  July 07.14~ Opti Starting weight: TBD~ Surgery weight: TBD ~ Goal weight: 150  


on 10/14/14 11:00 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

Great reply and reminder. Thanks Barb!





























































































































































































































































































Laurie C.
on 10/14/14 11:59 pm - Collingwood, ON, Canada


What a wonderful response.  I'm printing this and putting it on my fridge.




Surgery:  June 11, 2012--Dr. Starr--Humber


on 10/17/14 3:08 am - Brampton, Canada
on 10/17/14 3:12 am - Brampton, Canada
On October 15, 2014 at 3:16 AM Pacific Time, birdiegirl wrote:


Sounds like you have had a tough time of it.  Understand how difficult it is to come on here and ask for help.  Glad you decided to.


1.  Myfitnesspal.  I find this a great tool to track my numbers and ensure I am not eating more then I should.  Just make sure you are measuring your amounts so the info inputted is correct. 

2.  Protein. Number one on your list of edibles.  I try to get 100 grams per day each and every day.  If I see this number at 100 then I know I am eating the correct amount and not filling my pouch with too many carbs and useless ( but albeit tasty) food.  Dense protein will keep you full the longest and the quickest. Do I remember correctly that you are vegan?  If so, it will be a bit more difficult for you to work on this.  But it is paramount to your continued success.  Tofu - Yogurt - ( eggs and fish if you eat them), cheese etc etc.  Legumes are great too with lots of carbs but at least they are complex.

3.  Water.  2 litres of water or other non caloric liquid every day.  Please don't turn to soda as for some reason I see those who drink pop have a tendency to gain weight in the long term.  I have no science to back me on this, just anecdotal reading on this forum.  Learn to like water if you don't already.  It is your friend when hungry, thirsty or just bored.


4.  Calories - yeah they count this far out.  Find out your set point by trial and error and go below to lose.  My set point for maintenance is 1500 - 2000 depending on activity that day/week.  I am trying to lose regain....****ep going off track too...but I get back on the horse when ready) so now I try to stay in the 1000 - 1400 range.  I have lost 15 since Christmas which isn't a great rate of loss - however I am not actively working on it each week.  ( I have many splurge days...

5. Simple Carbs - these can be a monster and de-rail all of your efforts.  Crackers seem to be the biggest culprit for many ( they certainly are for me)....bread - potatoes - rice - pick your pleasure....try to get off these if you are presently consuming them. 

6.  white-knuckling - you will have to do this for a few days to clean your system of sugar and white carbs.  It will be tough but do-able .  Eat protein when hungry until the carb and sugar cravings subside. 

7 GETTING BACK ON THE HORSE.....each and every time you fall off.  None of us are perfect.  We make mistakes or get diet fatigue and just want what we want.  Try to read your old posts when you were full of hope and determination.  Remember what it felt like.  Read newbie posts on OH to remember how awful being morbidly obese felt.  Don't ever forget this.  If you get bored and are looking for food - come on OH and read until it passes.  If you are able - get some exercise.  Walk and smell the air.  Swim - do chair movements.  Just try to incorporate some movement in your day.  I love my fitbit ( purchase online or at BestBuy type stores) as it keeps track of my steps so I can ensure I am not sitting too long.


YOU CAN DO THIS.....its is NEVER too late to use your tool to maintain or lose some weight.  Your pouch is unlikely to have stretched.  Just fill it with the right ingredients....DENSE PROTEIN AND WATER...( not together though...) are your mainstays. 

GET YOUR LABS done if you haven't recently.  Get all the vitamins and minerals checked as each play a roll in your wellbeing.  If you are able - go to that appointment at your clinic.  Labs are critical to ensure your health.  Find a way to remind you to take your vitamins - calcium etc that you are prescribed by your clinic. 

WE ARE EACH INDIVIDUALS...and your route may be different then mine.  Own it.  The mental lift from turning this around will be tremendous.  Clean your kitchen of simple carbs and sugar items...and pick a date to begin again.  That horse is ready for you to ride again.



I'm delayed posting this because I wanted to get my ducks in a row before responding.

Yes. It has been a hard time, Barb. Much harder than what I've written here and it's not only physical. I am very thankful and humbled by your kindness that you have shown me in writing such a detailed "Get back on the horse" response.

I've written down everything you've said. That had to have taken you a while to write out and I'm beyond greatful because that's exactly what I needed. A step by step playbook.

On my list near the top is a MyFitnessPal. In the interrim, I will use the health tracker on here til I can afford to purchase a FitBit (?) I looked back on here to see when I actually did last track my food intake. January 2013. Long ago in a land I am starting to remember; proteins, water, calories, simple carbs. There now lives a list on my fridge with those words on it. Thank you

I'm almost vegetarian. I eat chicken, turkey, shrimp (dense proteins me thinks), legumes etc.

I'm going grocery shopping today so I will buy foods that fit "my horse". I never stopped eating them-I just added "other" things. Funny enough I never stopped looking at the calories or proteins on the side of the packaging. I will pick a date within the next week.

I'm starting back at the gym Saturday. Slowly. The most exercise I've had is walking in the grocery store.

I have always maintained my vitamins and consequently my labs are good but I did call and leave message for HRF to call me re: follow-up appt. I don't remember weights/amounts etc so it will be good for me (yes it will be good for me-and I'm going to believe that one day lol)

Thank you. From my heart, Barb.

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.  

on 10/19/14 7:00 am - Canada

This is the absolute BEST response I have ever read on here! I just celebrated my one year Surgiversary and I should have come on here to post...but I, too have fallen terribly from the horse.  gained back 9lbs since July 1st!  no exercise...eating bad junk food, heavy carbs, drinking pop, stopped drinking pop, drink water WITH my meals....very little pasta or potatoes etc though. I have been eating way too much..getting stuck in the "Im bored" eating again....ashamed that I have let myself off track so much. I had the sleeve.  I know I MUST get back on track.  I have this sexy red dress I want to wear next week for a party and need the kick in the pants.  THANK YOU for this! 

Referred June 2012.  Surgery Oct 15/2013 Dr. Irbach TWH VSG. Starting weight 287lbs. Started OPTI weight 260. Goal Weight 160lbs.


Karen M.
on 10/14/14 10:06 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Every single word that Barb said above ^^

Welcome back.

Karen :)



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