Feeling Blue

(deactivated member)
on 9/30/14 8:55 am - Canada
RNY on 04/16/14

It took me two years.  year beginning there are more surgery's then the end of year due to funding so if it is not this year end hoping for you it is early next year.  Things happen as they should so be patient and soon will be your turn.  

Things will work out.


on 10/1/14 11:49 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Thanks Kelly , 

Yeah I was just feeling a little frustrated , not so much with the actual wait more so with not getting a date at a point when I should have been getting my date . But yeah , I feel better today ! Lol , patience is a virtue and all that . 


Jax x


on 9/30/14 9:14 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I remember the frustration. Hang in there. It will happen . Sorry it is taking so long.





on 10/1/14 2:57 am - Peterborough, Canada

Just as an FYI Dr Klien booked his October surgeries back in July.  The waiting does suck, but it will happen.  I go in October 21st with Klien.

Referral from Family Doctor - November 4/13  |  Orientation date for HRRH - January 9/14  |  1st meeting with surgeon - January 30/14  |  Dietician, Registered Nurse, Social Worker Appointments – Feburary 10/14 | Second Dietician - March 11/14 | Dr Glazer - March 20/14 | Sleep Test - March 24/14 | Sleep Test Results - April 15/14 | 2nd Surgeon Appointment - May 13/14 | PATTS - September 30/14 | Surgery Date - October 21/14

on 10/1/14 11:54 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Hey Focal , 

Yeah Dr Klien seems the busiest in that office for sure ! Hopefully it means we are good hands :) 

Good luck to you !! It's gonna be here before you know it ! Look forward to hearing about your progress xx 

Jax x


on 10/1/14 11:52 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Thanks Pat :) 

Yeah I can't wait to look back on this and say the same ! I'm hanging in .....needs must !!thanks dear xx 

Jax x


on 10/1/14 3:19 am
On September 30, 2014 at 12:21 PM Pacific Time, jaxie77 wrote:

Hey people ! Hope everyone is doing good and having a great week so far :)

I'm feeling a wee touch down in the dumps these past few days :( Im not looking for sympathy here just need to write this down somewhere other than my own head ! I had my final surgeon appointment around a month ago with Dr Klien at HRRH for RNY . We were not given a date because there were none due to funding issues ?? It was extremely hard sitting there watching all the other doctors from his office : Hagen / Starr and Sohi's patients come out ....walk up to the reception and get their date ...for OCTOBER no less ! I was excited for them of course but yeah it was tough . We were told to maybe call in again nearer the end of the month , which I did this morning ..but alas ..no dates ! It seems like it will never happen , Dr Klien was booking ( nothing at all right now!!) Away in to next year so one can only guess at when it may be now with this further backlog . Could be another year . 

My referral was sent in August of last year and recieved sept, everything was going so smoothly up until this point . Now I know , depending on where you live , people have had waaaaaay longer wait times than I , and I do honestly sympathize , I just wanted to vent a little cos I'm feeling a little anxious about it all . I feel like I'm living in Limbo ! Granted I am using this time to inform myself more on life after surgery ( every day is a school day on here !! ) and coaching myself to make the proper choices and make changes that need to be made . But I feel ready now and I really want to see a light at the end of this tunnel . It's so typically my luck that my surgeon ..happens to have a backlog ...When it comes my turn to get my date !! Lol ! 

Anyway ...like I said ....not looking for sympathy , just needed a wee moan , somewhere that others can relate . Any rallying words or a kick up my arse to get me out of this negative zone much appreciated :)) 

Love Jax x

Jax, I can imagine what you must be going though at this time!!! I am a firm believer in the old adage "it will happen when it's meant to". Although you are ready for this right now, everything will happen when it is meant to happen. For reasons beyond your control, your surgery will be in the future rather than right now. Keep on being strong and patient, and just think, you will gain an even deeper appreciation for your surgery once you finally have it. Hang in there :)

on 10/1/14 11:36 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Hey Kat , 

Thanks for your reply :) 

I believe in that too , and I really do think the wait is beneficial and has been so far for sure ! If I had the surgery back when I started the process , I'd have No IDEA , what to expect ..what to do / not do ....and just would not understand afterwards lifestyle in general and have the right viewpoint and mindset for everything . I'd most likely have failed by this point !! Not to say I'm dead sure I'll be successful , ( although I wish with all my heart I am ) but the wait has armed me with so much knowledge and understanding so far , so that is the bonus side of waiting and I'm gonna use it to my advantage :) 

How are you doing so far ? I had a little peek at your profile , My goodness it sounds like you have been through the wars with your past surgeon and surgery !! Are you any further forward ? I enjoyed reading your story , you also seem really patient and calm about everything ....seem like you have it altogether through some really trying times ! I look forward to hearing how you get on . Thanks for your message and support and good luck to you dear xx 

Jax xx


on 10/1/14 1:46 pm

Jax, thanks so much for reading my story!!! I need to edit it; it's sooo long lol. As of now, things are still the same. I am trying to find a holistic doctor covered by my insurance who specializes in hormonal imbalances. Over the past few weeks, I have come to the  conclusion that I can't move forward until my current health issues are settled. My thyroid seems to finally be stabilizing. However, my hormonal problems cause a plethora of health challenges that can be debilitating for me at times (anxiety, chest discomfort, heart palpitations, joint pain, migraines just to name a few). My hope is to get things in order with all this, and once I reach that point, perhaps I will finally be confident and well enough to go through with revision surgery. As for now, Although I need revision surgery desperately, I know my mind and body are just not ready for that yet. I'm not where I must be for it to take place. The waiting is difficult and oh so frustrating, but I'm hoping the end result will be a happy one that will prove to be worth the wait. 

on 10/1/14 9:04 am


I think about you all the time, that's may sound creepy, but I do!! I wish everything moves along faster and you get your date and I totally understand when you say even if it's way in the future, atleast it'll be something to look forward to!

Let us know how switching surgeons goes and if it's possible, until then while waiting we are all on your team and I'm going to be sharing the excitement when you get the phone call for your date!!!!!


p.s thank you for venting I felt the frustration release and I am totally the same! And I so appreciate it! LET IT OUT GIRL!!!

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