Feeling Blue

on 9/30/14 5:21 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Hey people ! Hope everyone is doing good and having a great week so far :)

I'm feeling a wee touch down in the dumps these past few days :( Im not looking for sympathy here just need to write this down somewhere other than my own head ! I had my final surgeon appointment around a month ago with Dr Klien at HRRH for RNY . We were not given a date because there were none due to funding issues ?? It was extremely hard sitting there watching all the other doctors from his office : Hagen / Starr and Sohi's patients come out ....walk up to the reception and get their date ...for OCTOBER no less ! I was excited for them of course but yeah it was tough . We were told to maybe call in again nearer the end of the month , which I did this morning ..but alas ..no dates ! It seems like it will never happen , Dr Klien was booking ( nothing at all right now!!) Away in to next year so one can only guess at when it may be now with this further backlog . Could be another year . 

My referral was sent in August of last year and recieved sept, everything was going so smoothly up until this point . Now I know , depending on where you live , people have had waaaaaay longer wait times than I , and I do honestly sympathize , I just wanted to vent a little cos I'm feeling a little anxious about it all . I feel like I'm living in Limbo ! Granted I am using this time to inform myself more on life after surgery ( every day is a school day on here !! ) and coaching myself to make the proper choices and make changes that need to be made . But I feel ready now and I really want to see a light at the end of this tunnel . It's so typically my luck that my surgeon ..happens to have a backlog ...When it comes my turn to get my date !! Lol ! 

Anyway ...like I said ....not looking for sympathy , just needed a wee moan , somewhere that others can relate . Any rallying words or a kick up my arse to get me out of this negative zone much appreciated :)) 

Love Jax x


Karen M.
on 9/30/14 6:08 am - Mississauga, Canada

Jax, in my opinion you have, and continue to be despite the set-backs, been very, VERY patient with this. Have you considered asking for an alternate surgeon? All of the surgeons in that practice are highly regarded and highly skilled. (I have a tiny bias as I continue to harbour love-feelings for Dr. Hagen) Just a thought.

Karen :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 9/30/14 8:08 am, edited 9/30/14 8:10 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Och thanks Karen :) Yes , I'm really trying to be patient as I know that this process takes time , it's just that little 2 year old madam inside my head having a temper tantrum about this latest set back ....throwing herself around and tossing all her toys out the pram and everything she is !! Lol ! 

Someone else actually asked me that the day after my final appointment . Jennifer I think it was ...about changing surgeons . To be honest I have no idea if I can do that at this point .....have you ever heard of anyone changing ? I don't see why they wouldn't do that automatically anyway ....If one is struggling and the others are pretty much on schedule , it makes sense to re- distribute ..no ? It may be worth a phone call . Anyway , thanks for the thought :) 

P.s ....maybe I could switch to Hagen ....see what all this fuss is about .....you wouldn't be jealous would you ? Lol ...take care lovey xx 


Karen M.
on 9/30/14 7:52 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Yeah, you would think they would try to "spread the love" a little, wouldn't you. No harm in posing the question as a, "I'm just curious....". Ordinarily I would be exceptionally jealous of sharing (my boyfriend) Dr. Hagen, but for you? Anything. LOL

Hang in there!

K. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 10/1/14 11:27 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14


Robyn R.
on 10/1/14 11:27 am - Bowmanville, Canada

I share Karen's bias!  Dr Klein & Dr Hagen are the 2 busiest as they do the revisions together.  Good luck Jaxx!  I know I had a wee wait with Dr Hagen & he offered a colleague to do my surgery but I stayed & waited & glad I did. Speaking from the inside, OHIP funding is tricky right now for just about everything

Referral Summer 2012, Orientation June 10/13 HRRH, Dr Hagen July 3/13, Dr Glazer, RN/RD/SW September 19/13, Dr Hagen October 10/13, Surgery January 21/14


HW 290  Opti Start Weight 280.9  Surgery Weight 264.8 CW 207


on 9/30/14 6:35 am

I have no advice but would like to wish you all the best with the wait, it is so stressful for many people. Try to keep busy as much as you can.  I truly hope you get a date as soon as possible.


on 9/30/14 8:15 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

ThankS Zizzler :) It's frustrating more than anything , being busy around here is no problem ......it's the energy I struggle with ! I dream of the day I'm lighter on my feet and lugging all this extra weight around while running around like a headless chicken ....is a distant memory ! ....I'll still be running around like a headless chicken ....it'll just be a lot easier ! Hahaha How are you doing now anyway ? 2 months out now are you ? Keep it up doll xx and thanks again for the nice message :) 

Jax xx 


on 9/30/14 7:04 am - Oshawa, Canada

I can feel your frustration and just wanted to send some HURRY UP AND BOOK JAX'S SURGERY vibes   Dr. Klein is the big cheese there so he is probably much busier with meetings, etc than the other surgeons.  Keep your chin up 

Chrissy  ~~~  doctor referral May 29/14; info session Aug 18/14surgeon appt Dr. Starr  Oct 15/14dietitian, social worker & nurse Dec 11/142nd appts dietitian, SW & nurse Jan 19/15;  Dr. Glazer Feb 25/15; 2 weeks OPTIFAST April 15/15; surgery date April 29/15    AGE: 48   HEIGHT: 5'6"  


on 9/30/14 8:19 am, edited 9/30/14 8:19 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Thanks Chrissy!  And thanks for those vibes !! Lol ....maybe they'll work ! That is genuinely all I want ...The date ...even if it is away next year , I'll be happy with that . Just need something to work towards . It's not like before where you kind of had the next stage to contend with .....now I'm just waiting with no view of the end !! Anyway ....it will happen and I need to keep my smiley face on . Thanks for the pep talk darlin !! I'll keep u you posted xx 

Jax x 


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