Feeling Blue
Hey people ! Hope everyone is doing good and having a great week so far :)
I'm feeling a wee touch down in the dumps these past few days :( Im not looking for sympathy here just need to write this down somewhere other than my own head ! I had my final surgeon appointment around a month ago with Dr Klien at HRRH for RNY . We were not given a date because there were none due to funding issues ?? It was extremely hard sitting there watching all the other doctors from his office : Hagen / Starr and Sohi's patients come out ....walk up to the reception and get their date ...for OCTOBER no less ! I was excited for them of course but yeah it was tough . We were told to maybe call in again nearer the end of the month , which I did this morning ..but alas ..no dates ! It seems like it will never happen , Dr Klien was booking ( nothing at all right now!!) Away in to next year so one can only guess at when it may be now with this further backlog . Could be another year .
My referral was sent in August of last year and recieved sept, everything was going so smoothly up until this point . Now I know , depending on where you live , people have had waaaaaay longer wait times than I , and I do honestly sympathize , I just wanted to vent a little cos I'm feeling a little anxious about it all . I feel like I'm living in Limbo ! Granted I am using this time to inform myself more on life after surgery ( every day is a school day on here !! ) and coaching myself to make the proper choices and make changes that need to be made . But I feel ready now and I really want to see a light at the end of this tunnel . It's so typically my luck that my surgeon ..happens to have a backlog ...When it comes my turn to get my date !! Lol !
Anyway ...like I said ....not looking for sympathy , just needed a wee moan , somewhere that others can relate . Any rallying words or a kick up my arse to get me out of this negative zone much appreciated :))
Love Jax x
Jax, in my opinion you have, and continue to be despite the set-backs, been very, VERY patient with this. Have you considered asking for an alternate surgeon? All of the surgeons in that practice are highly regarded and highly skilled. (I have a tiny bias as I continue to harbour love-feelings for Dr. Hagen) Just a thought.
Karen :)
Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/
Och thanks Karen :) Yes , I'm really trying to be patient as I know that this process takes time , it's just that little 2 year old madam inside my head having a temper tantrum about this latest set back ....throwing herself around and tossing all her toys out the pram and everything she is !! Lol !
Someone else actually asked me that the day after my final appointment . Jennifer I think it was ...about changing surgeons . To be honest I have no idea if I can do that at this point .....have you ever heard of anyone changing ? I don't see why they wouldn't do that automatically anyway ....If one is struggling and the others are pretty much on schedule , it makes sense to re- distribute ..no ? It may be worth a phone call . Anyway , thanks for the thought :)
P.s ....maybe I could switch to Hagen ....see what all this fuss is about .....you wouldn't be jealous would you ? Lol ...take care lovey xx
Yeah, you would think they would try to "spread the love" a little, wouldn't you. No harm in posing the question as a, "I'm just curious....". Ordinarily I would be exceptionally jealous of sharing (my boyfriend) Dr. Hagen, but for you? Anything. LOL
Hang in there!
K. :)
Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/
I share Karen's bias! Dr Klein & Dr Hagen are the 2 busiest as they do the revisions together. Good luck Jaxx! I know I had a wee wait with Dr Hagen & he offered a colleague to do my surgery but I stayed & waited & glad I did. Speaking from the inside, OHIP funding is tricky right now for just about everything
Referral Summer 2012, Orientation June 10/13 HRRH, Dr Hagen July 3/13, Dr Glazer, RN/RD/SW September 19/13, Dr Hagen October 10/13, Surgery January 21/14
HW 290 Opti Start Weight 280.9 Surgery Weight 264.8 CW 207

ThankS Zizzler :) It's frustrating more than anything , being busy around here is no problem ......it's the energy I struggle with ! I dream of the day I'm lighter on my feet and lugging all this extra weight around while running around like a headless chicken ....is a distant memory ! ....I'll still be running around like a headless chicken ....it'll just be a lot easier ! Hahaha How are you doing now anyway ? 2 months out now are you ? Keep it up doll xx and thanks again for the nice message :)
Jax xx
Thanks Chrissy! And thanks for those vibes !! Lol ....maybe they'll work ! That is genuinely all I want ...The date ...even if it is away next year , I'll be happy with that . Just need something to work towards . It's not like before where you kind of had the next stage to contend with .....now I'm just waiting with no view of the end !! Anyway ....it will happen and I need to keep my smiley face on . Thanks for the pep talk darlin !! I'll keep u you posted xx
Jax x