RANT: No practical stranger, I don't want to talk about weight-loss with you for hours!

(deactivated member)
on 9/29/14 11:35 pm

I am sure he was trying to be nice but sometimes you just want to be normal and not talk about weight loss or exercise. I would have pretended my phone rang and said I gotta take this.

I know it is a wimpy thing to do.Or I will say do you know what time it is I gotta run. I know wimpy again.

Mary A.
on 10/6/14 1:32 am

There are always those who have never struggled with their weight that have ALL the answers and suggestions.  Very odd that a man would ask..WOW, he's lucky he didn't get some really nasty woman that said mine your own freaking business.


I think you handled it very well..a quick exit is always the best.

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

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