Fitbit Question

(deactivated member)
on 9/25/14 11:20 pm - Canada
RNY on 04/16/14


I have seen this topic posted before and well have considered getting a fitbit but am hesitant; I'm afraid it may be similar to my Wii fit purchase (where I find it okay but quickly bored of it).

If I understand the product specs right it tracks your fitness, sleep pattern and can track food.  I just have some questions:  

  1. How reliable is it?  
  2. Also I tend to get rashes with rubber like products on my wrist - Has anyone had issues?
  3. Finally does it give you your heart rate while you work out?
  4. what exactly does it track while you sleep?
  5. Do you recommend the fitbit as a good tool in your weight loss program?

Appreciate any feedback.


Thank you,


on 9/25/14 11:46 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

The fitbit I have I clip onto the waist of my pants. They have had some issues with the wrist model. I find it reliable for steps. So if you want to make sure you hit 10, 000 steps a day then it will help you track this and also stairs. I can not eat the amount of calories it says I can have but I do use it's food tracker. It does not monitor your heart rate. I very seldom use it when sleeping. 

I am sure others will chime in with their experiences.





(deactivated member)
on 9/26/14 12:06 am - Canada
RNY on 04/16/14

thk you this feedback is very helpful

Karen M.
on 9/25/14 11:58 pm - Mississauga, Canada

I chose a Misfit Shine instead. Does everything a Fitbit does but is prettier, doesn't have to be charged (and you can't lose the charger since there isn't one), can be worn for swimming (and is able to track swimming and other exercises, including stairs), etc.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

(deactivated member)
on 9/26/14 12:06 am - Canada
RNY on 04/16/14

thk you I will look into this.

Kate M.
on 9/26/14 12:16 am - toronto, Canada

My partner and I got Fitbits this summer and they have been great. I don't alway**** 10k steps but I try to get in at least 8k whenever possible (sometimes I just get off the bus or subway a stop or two early to add a couple hundred steps when I have the time). It tells you the amount of steps, and tracks periods of high activity (ie fast walking, jogging, other exercise). Unfortunately it seems like the new iPhone software update does pretty much the same tracking just using your phone motion sensor but we don't regret the purchase as we were much more active this summer!

Their online component is really good as well, especially if you have the Aria scale like we do, which is their wifi scale that automatically tracks your weight in the fitbit software (or sends the data to Sparkpeople, etc). It tracks your food, water, weightloss goals, calories in vs out, etc. I try not to rely on their nutrition tracker as I find Spark People's easier to use and their app is better. Plus the fitbit always tells me to eat way more calories (it scales based on activity levels).

I tend not to use the sleep tracking as much. It tells you how long you slept and how many periods of restlessness and how many times you actually woke up. It was illuminating at first but after a little while I stopped as I prefer not to sleep with anything on my wrists.


(deactivated member)
on 9/26/14 1:07 am - Canada
RNY on 04/16/14

Thank you for the feedback I appreciate it.

on 9/26/14 1:48 am - Canada


I am a year an a half out - got mine about a month post-op and LOVE it.  It has been one of many tools for my success keeping me ontrack and moving. Mine is sync'd up to my ipad and phone so I can check wihen I am sitting too much.  I also have it sync'd up to MFP.

I do not ure the tracker as am active on MFP.  I also don't use the sleep feature as I kept forgetting to turn it off or on. 

Mine if on my wrist, good for me, looks not so nice and has come off a few times (but alway found it. phew).  I think it is just the way I brush or move myself as my Mom has neve had a problem with hers.  When going out to someplace i know I may loose it (Wonderland or physical activities) I have just used a bit of electical tape to ensure it is held - again doesn't look great but really I don't care as it helps me to be active and my butt to be smaller haha.

LOVE it!

Anyone out there want 'fit bit' friends, Lorileesmiels - add me!

Lori Lee

TWH Orientation - Oct 17, 2012   SW - Nov 19, 2012   Nurse - Dec 12, 2012  Group Nutrition Class - Jan 14, 2013  Psychologist Feb 12, 2013  Nutrition March 15, 2013 Surgeon - April 5th (Dr Penner) Surgery May 16th 


(deactivated member)
on 9/26/14 3:29 am - Canada
RNY on 04/16/14

thks for the feedback.

White Dove
on 9/26/14 3:56 am - Warren, OH

I use the Garmin Vivofit with the Garmin Premium Heartrate Monitor.  It is what the Biggest Loser switched to this year. 

1.  So far, very reliable

2.  I have very sensitive skin and no problems with Vivofit band - but I added a little rubber device to make sure it does not fall off.  Garmin supplies that for free now.  Vivofit does not need to be charged and can be worn in water.  I never take mine off.  Wear while sleeping, in the shower and in the swimming pool.

3.  The heart rate monitor is very soft and comfortable and I wear it most of the time, right under my bra around my chest

4.   During sleep it tracks your movement, if you forget to put it in Sleep Mode, you can put your sleep time in by hand.  I was amazed by little real sleep I was actually getting.

5.   Mine is synced with My Fitness Pal and syncs calories eaten with calories burned.  It keeps me very aware of my eating and exercise.  My next purchase will be a scale that syncs to it.

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