(deactivated member)
on 9/25/14 7:48 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

Got the magic call today for my surgeon appointment! So excited and feel so lucky to be nearing the end of this process! Its with Dr. Jackson at TWH for October 3rd! SO SOON!!! 


Wish me luck, I am nervous! Hope all goes well. Has anyone had Dr.Jackson as their surgeon? What are your thoughts/ experiences with him?



on 9/25/14 10:52 am - Canada
RNY on 01/05/15

Hey Jennifer!  I got the call today too!  I'm also meeting with Dr. Jackson on Oct. 3rd!  Maybe we'll run into each other in the waiting room (congrats on getting your appointment, by the way). 


 ~ Per aspera ad astra ☆彡 


(deactivated member)
on 9/25/14 11:01 am, edited 9/25/14 11:01 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

Woohoo! Was such a great call to get! I am at 8:30am, nice and early. Blonde gal, usually sit in the back of the waiting room, by the window and tv :)  What time are you at?


Funny, just noticed your last post regarding the NUT class on August 25th, I was there too! Haha, we seem to be on the same schedules!


on 9/25/14 11:09 am - Canada
RNY on 01/05/15

I'm at 8am.  They told me it would take 1.5 hours so I guess only a half hour of that is with the surgeon?  Unless they make us share him.   I'm tall and blonde too!  Hopefully we get a chance to chat!  


 ~ Per aspera ad astra ☆彡 


on 9/25/14 11:11 am - Canada
RNY on 01/05/15

Just saw the second part of your note... If you were in the nutrition class, I think I know who you are. You were the only other blonde in the room. I think you were sitting one person away from me?


 ~ Per aspera ad astra ☆彡 


(deactivated member)
on 9/25/14 11:41 am, edited 9/25/14 11:44 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

I know who you are then too! Well dressed, shoulder length blonde haired lady. We were both beside the lady with the bad cough :) 

I think we meet with the nurse first, checks with us to see if anything has changed health wise, weighs us etc. So I am guessing that is 30 minutes. 

Based on my site search for Dr. Jackson, and google, he is quite easy on the eyes :D

on 9/25/14 11:55 am - Canada
RNY on 01/05/15

Ha, yes!  That was me!  You were really nicely dressed too - I remember thinking how nice your outfit was!  And re: Dr. Jackson, I very nearly wrote in my last post that I wasn't sure I'd be wanting to share him with you (uh, could he be any hotter?).

In any case, I hope we run into each other and have a chance to chat.  It seems like this entire process has just flown by!  I will be requesting a surgery date in January because I'm not able to take the time off wor****il the new year, so you'll likely end up on the bench before me.  It's really nice to meet people who are going through the same thing.  I'm both very nervous and very excited about what the future holds. 


 ~ Per aspera ad astra ☆彡 


(deactivated member)
on 9/25/14 12:15 pm - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

Thanks! And, yes he is a cutie. Which will likely make me more nervous. 

The entire process has really went by quickly for me too. I feel extremely lucky to have this opportunity, and am SOOO excited for what the future holds too! And agreed, its always awesome to chat to others that are going through the same process. My thin friends don't all seem to 'get it' I have told a very few select because of that reason.


Good luck to you, and fingers crossed all goes smoothly tomorrow for both of us :)

Dolly K.
on 9/25/14 11:08 am

Congrats to both of you :) what an excellent news! 

(deactivated member)
on 9/25/14 11:42 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

Thank you!! Very exciting :)

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