Internist - ?

Dolly K.
on 9/25/14 4:52 am, edited 9/25/14 5:04 am

I called to find out the status on my file. I was told it got discussed today and now Internist will go over my file to go over my medical results ...... I am going through TWH. Is it normal? I did have H Pylori and did the medication for a week for that. I was told my Vitamin D was low so I am already taking vitamins. Do you know why Internist would need to go through my file? It is making me nervous......My understanding was  - once all the appointments are done... you just receive a call for surgeon appointment .

Karen M.
on 9/25/14 5:10 am - Mississauga, Canada

If the Internist ordered tests for you (like H.Pylori, sleep test, vitamin level testing, etc) then he will want to review the results prior to signing off on your surgery. I wouldn't worry about it (mostly because you can't do anything about it lol). He'll look over your tests, approve you for surgery or ask for more tests.



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Dolly K.
on 9/25/14 5:19 am

Thanks Karen. It's actually my family doctor who had ordered all the requried tests before submitting my referral and I provided them the reports. I read everyday as to how all of you guys are doing and want to experience it myself as well  ( good stuff only - lol).... just can't wait any longer. I know I can't do anything about it... just very hard to stay calm when you want something so badly :)

Karen M.
on 9/25/14 5:22 am - Mississauga, Canada

Ahhh... well, I think that explains it then. Since he didn't order the tests, he will want to see what was tested and the results before signing off. Hard to do at this point, but try not to worry. :)



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