on 9/25/14 12:53 am

My surgery is on Monday and I have the same thoughts as you.  A close friend of mine who had WLS a couple of years ago told me it is normal to be freaked out.  My Dr. doesn't put any foods out of reach, its just how you eat them and how much you eat them.  I am just worried that everything I enjoy (because I am already a picky eater), I won't be able to have anymore even though it is all normal, home cooked not fast food... I'm a worry wart and always have been.  I just don't want to feel the way I do anymore. 

on 9/25/14 1:25 am

I sailed through the 8 months from referral to surgery date.  The day before my surgery I though about rescheduling.  I didn't think I could do it.  The day of my surgery I woke up in a fantastic mood and was happy about my decision. 

It is normal to go through the what ifs and feel apprehensive, we've all been there.

As for not eating or what to eat.  I am much more mindful about what I eat and have a lot more home cooked meals.  I love my new life and wouldn't change a thing.

I wish the best for you, good luck!




Karen M.
on 9/25/14 2:24 am, edited 9/25/14 2:24 am - Mississauga, Canada

Let me say first that I understand your fears completely. Not only are you facing surgery, but a first surgery with unknown outcomes with respect to pain, recovery, etc., add to that possible complications and add to that a complete lifestyle change - for life. I get it, truly. I do.

Now let me tell you my own story.

On my surgery day I was 38 years old, weighed 290 pounds with a BMI o**** had sleep apnea, high blood pressure, pre-diabetic, terrible aches and pains in back and knee joints... the list goes on. My scheduled RNY surgery was my first surgery ever too. I was scared - of death, of complications, of just about anything my mind could work itself up into a frenzy about (I'm an A+ worrier). I took a lot of time reflecting on whether surgery was the correct choice, considering all of the possible negative outcomes. I had done a ton of reading and research so I knew what I would be getting myself into, good and bad.

What it really came down to was I was afraid of dying. What I came to realize was without surgery I would be dead by 50 due to obesity related illnesses. No doubt about that in my mind, even today. Knowing that I could do something about that by having RNY surgery gave me strength, empowerment, and peace with my decision to go forward.

Complications can happen for sure. While I didn't have any surgical complications, I did develop a stricture at about 5-6 weeks post-op. I had done enough reading to know the signs, symptoms and treatment for this. The stricture was easily fixed with a dilation balloon endoscopy and I haven't looked back since.

Today, 8 1/2 YEARS post-op, I am 46 years old (almost 47 ), weigh 120 pounds with a BMI of 21.3, no sleep apnea, no high blood pressure, perfect blood sugar and cholesterol... in excellent health. Over the years I have struggled at times, worried, learned, succeeded, rejoiced..... LIVED. Without WLS, I'm pretty sure I couldn't post the same.

Take this time to reflect, learn, and come to peace with your decision to live.




Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 9/25/14 7:52 am

Wow, thank you. I needed that.

Karen M.
on 9/25/14 7:56 am - Mississauga, Canada

You are most welcome. If I can be of any assistance to you, please don't hesitate to ask.

Karen :)



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 9/28/14 1:13 am - Aurora, Canada
RNY on 10/03/14

I need that too, Karen M.  Brought tears to my eyes.

Orientation: Jan 27, 2014, Surgeon: Feb 14, 2014, Doctor Internal Medecine: May 5, 2014,  Nurse/Social Worker/Dietician: May 7, 2014, 2nd Visit Social Worker: June 20, 2014, 2nd visit Surgeon: July 11, 2014, PATT (HRRH): Sep 18, 2014 Surgery Date: Oct 3, 2014


on 9/25/14 7:33 am - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 08/11/14

That could have been my post lol.  Seriously, leading up to the surgery I was so nervous, I was afraid of dying, of complications, etc.  I am happy to say that the morning of surgery, I was happy, and content with my decision. The nerves and second thoughts allowed me to work through all the pros and cons and I was ready for surgery on the day of.

I joked with the anasteiologist that I was a surgery virgin, it was my first surgery too. The team was great. Surgery was In August and so far, no complications.

Good luck to you. 



on 9/25/14 8:01 am - Niagara Falls, Canada
I can post saying I've had all the complications so far. A leak a stricture and just crap lol. I dont regret doing it. I know I will get better from this but I wasnt getting better without it just fatter.

10/18/07 RNY ( hw 305 sw 290 lw 189ish) St Joe's 08/14/14 RNY reversal to sleeve. I survived 3 leaks,4 operations and a feeding tube.

on 9/25/14 10:30 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 07/22/14

I think one of the dangers of the forums is that you hear some scary stories.  Sometimes I feel almost guilty because my story has been so easy!  I had a few second thoughts, but it was because I wasn't sure of me, not because I wasn't sure of the surgery.  I cried in the shower the morning before my surgery, but they were tears of excitement and basically joy.  I am 40 years old and 2 months out.  I was 279 at my highest weight. I've been overweight since I was about 7 years old.  My biggest wish my whole life was to be normal weight.  I feel like this surgery is my wish come true.  I felt great right from the first day after surgery. I went back to work at 2 weeks. At 2 months out, I am 100% comfortable with eating appropriate foods on my plan. I am 98% comfortable drinking all my water...It takes so long! But I can do it.  I was sick to my stomach once, from not chewing enough. Learned that lesson.  I had some bad gas once, from peas. Learned that lesson.  I was a little dizzy from dehydration one day. Learned that lesson.  I stick to my plan 100% of the time and everything I eat tastes good and is enjoyable.  I have 110% of my energy back. I am down 47 pounds and I feel so lucky to have been given this awesome gift!  

Good luck!  I hope your mind settles down and lets you sleep!!!

Referral: Nov 12   Sleep Study: Feb 13   Orientation: Feb 13  1st appt NSWD: May 13   2nd appt NSWD July 13  2nd Sleep Study: Dec 13   Post Op Nut: April 14 Meet Dr. Pereira-Hong: May 14  PATTS: July 8 14   Surgery: July 22 14



on 10/8/14 12:32 pm

Wow. Thank you all for sharing.  This is my second time around through this process and I'm going for it.....fear or not.  I noticed some of you are having surgery tomorrow or the day after.  Sending you awesome vibes!

Referral sent- June/July 2014  Orientation GGH- Aug. 28/14  SW/Nurse/Nutritionist- Sept. 18/15  SW/Nurse/Nutritionist Part 2- Nov. 18/15  Pre-surgery education class- Feb. 9/15  Meet surgeon - Mar. 23/15  Surgery date- May 29, 2015  A great day to start a new chapter in my life!


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