Updated: 2 months out- sudden pain?
The pain went away as fast as it started. Probably lasted about 45 mins in total but it's totally gone now. I guess it must have been gas, but it wasn't in the normal place. I really felt it in my back.
I am kind of gallbladder paranoid since my mom had a lot of trouble with hers. And since I haven't had any pain in so long, this kind of threw me for a loop.
Thanks for all your advice!!
I haven't had any pain related to my surgery in more than a month. All of a sudden this morning, I have pain that I'd rate at 4-6 out of ten with waves where it's worse. The pain is under my rib cage in front and back. I can feel it in my shoulders. It hurts to breath deeply. I have no other symptoms, no nausea or diarrhea.
I haven't eaten anything unusual today. Ate raw apples for the first time saturday, had another one yesterday. but I didn't eat the skin.
Any ideas or recommendations? I had once gas x pill at work so I took it but it don't think it's gas pain. I'm seriously thinking I might have to leave work.
Agreed on calling your centre for assistance, or even Telehealth for advice. Hope you're feeling better.
Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/
I had a pain that sounds similar to this, which ended up being gas pain. I seriously thought i was having a heart attack. I went to emerg, and they didnt find anything, so i went home, put a heating pad on my belly, and farted, and felt better.
That being said, it could also be an obstructed bowel. Call your WLS centre, or telehealth. Make sure you tell telehealth that you've had WLS, and that you think it could POSSIBLY be an obstruction.

Glad to hear you're feeling better! Keep an eye on that, though. It sounded a lot like the gallbladder attacks I used to get.
Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/