What are you eating/doing today? (Monday)

on 9/21/14 8:09 pm

Good morning everyone.  Today is off to an early start.  Had to get up early because Hubby has to be at work by 7:00.  Then it's off to swimming, gardening and more paperwork.  I should find out my lab results today, let's hope my iron and Vit D levels are going up.

9 weeks post-op

B. Chike before swimming, then 1 scrambled egg with Habanero shredded cheese and salsa

S. Syntrax fuzzy navel and a Source dessert yogurt.

L. 1/4 of a Zesty Italian flatout flatbread, shredded 5 cheese Italian blend, turkey pepperoni, mushroom and tomato pizza

S. Another Syntrax fuzzy navel and a Greek 50 lemon yogurt

D. 1/4 whole wheat pasta, mushroom, 5 blackened shrimp and 1/4 roasted pepper and tomato soup

S. 1 Greek yogurt vanilla mixed with 1T PC Greek yogurt cream cheese and 1t sf white chocolate pudding mix mixed together (might add a little bit of dissolved coffee crystals) drizzled with sf caramel icecream topping for a cheesecake dessert,

Have a good day everyone.

on 9/21/14 8:37 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

16 months post op

steps 8265


Good morning CC, Don't you just love the greek yogurt/ pudding thing? Makes a nice little treat . Fingers are crossed that your blood work comes back good!

I am off today and will be busy with  dog walks, and pickling beets and doing a small batch of dill pickles. Other then that not too much, I will do an hour on the stationary bike and some weights this morning. DH leaves for Toronto this afternoon for the week of night shifts, he's happy about that... lol


B- 3/4 cup Source cherry yogurt w/ 2 tbs hemp hearts (Mary Jane) protein coffee

S- 2 tbs humus w/ 1 celery stalk, 2 slice lean deli ham

L- 1 tex mex egg muffin, sm banana, 4 oz skim milk

D- 3 oz grilled trout, 1/2 cup roasted pepper squash

S- 4 oz skim milk

be well everyone








on 9/22/14 3:54 am

Tanya, I do love the cheesecake treat.  You can make so many different flavours.  I called the Dr.'s office and the iron results aren't back yet, maybe tomorrow.

on 9/21/14 9:15 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning all. Off to work shortly. I am hoping things are better this week. More productive. I will bike to and from work for exercise.

b greek yogurt, granola, blueberries

s hummus, carrot

l chili, yogurt, salad

s pure protein bar

d chicken, salad, acorn squash

s grapes

1062, prot 79





Karen M.
on 9/21/14 11:14 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Pat, I've been eating baked acorn squash like an addict - SO good. I hope you have a better week at work, I know how frustrating it can be when management can't seem to get their **** together.




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 9/21/14 11:16 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I just checked. Our conference is in just over 3 weeks and still no registration page set up!





Karen M.
on 9/21/14 11:17 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Perhaps they don't want anyone to show up! lol



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

Karen M.
on 9/21/14 11:12 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Morning all :)

A few errands to run today, perhaps a test drive, house stuff and meeting my girlfriend for coffee late afternoon, not sure what else. This is the first week in I don't know how long that I don't have any doctor appointments. Such a relief. Mind you, I had blood work done on Friday so I shouldn't speak too soon. lol

CC - glad you're getting your results, really hope your levels have improved. Your menu today looks very creative!

8.5 years post-op

- coffee with cream x 3 over the morning -

B - Source Greek 50 vanilla, Premier protein shake

S - crustless quiche (equivalent to 1.5 eggs with cheese/ham/veggies) with a scoop of homemade salsa on top - the crustless quiche freezes extremely well for those who may be wondering

L - 1 slice whole grain toast, 3 oz chicken salad (chicken breast, green onion, celery, mayo, tons of pepper), 1/2 small sweet pepper from the garden, a couple slices cucumber

S - Chike protein iced coffee, later: 2 oz chicken salad, 2 melba toast

S2 - coffee with cream while out

D - late dinner: 1.5 oz French stick, halved and stuffed with 3 small homemade meatballs, tomato sauce, .5 oz mozzarella, .5 oz parmesan, sautéed onions, pepper, mushrooms (homemade "meatball sub")

S - likely just decaf with cream

Have a great day!

K. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 9/22/14 4:03 am

So much for my creative menu today. Actually the pizza idea is DC Girl's and the only reason I'm having blackened shrimp with my pasta is that I couldn't fini**** all yesterday, lol.  Breakfast ended up being poached egg, hollandaise, and smoked salmon at Cora's, now I'm too full for any lunch.  Tons of leftover fruit to take home.  I noticed that my bathing suit that I bought in August is already starting to fall apart, so this morning I went to 4 stores to try to find replacements in different sizes (hoping to drop sizes through the winter).  Unfortunately most of the stores are out of bathing suits, and the ones online are very expensive, and I don't want to pay top dollar for something I will grow out of quickly.  I did get a few cheap ones in smaller sizes. I bought the only 2 suits they  had. 

Karen you dinner sounds scrumptious. 

on 9/22/14 4:40 am - Canada

I have been going to PHANTOM at 514 Lawrence Plaza for my bathing suits for years. They are open all year, have all sizes and are priced right. They range from $50 down.

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