What are you eating/doing today (Thursday)

on 9/17/14 7:06 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

15 months post op

steps 10365


Off to work for the early shift then home. Nothing else planned for the day.

What is everyone else up too?


B- 1/3 cup FF cottage cheese, 1/3 cup sorce cherry yogurt 2 tbs hemp hearts, protein coffee

S- small banana w 1 tbs PB

L- 3 oz greek chicken burger (no bun) 1/2 cup cauliflower

D 3oz greek chicken burger (no bun) 1/2 cup sweet kale salad

S- spinach smoothie w/ 2 tbs hemp hearts


Be well everyone








on 9/17/14 8:22 pm

Good morning.  Today I have swimming at 8:00 then home to do some more weeding then organizing the garage for a yard sale on Saturday.   I have to get rid of some stuff in the house, too much clutter, time to purge.  Trouble is that I want to sell a lot of hubby's stuff which he wants to hold on to, and he wants my stuff to go.

9 weeks post-op Man is the time flying by.

B.  Chike protein coffee before swimming and a decaf hot coffee

S. Scrambled egg with salsa, greek 50 yogurt, lemon

L.  Roasted red pepper hummus, salsa, guacamole

S. Syntrax fuzzy navel protein shake, yoplait super fruit yogurt

D. 1/4 whole wheat pasta, spinach turkey meatball, marinara

S. More decaf, cottage cheese with 1t sf apple/black currant jam, another syntrax fuzzy navel

MFP totals Cal. 859, Carbs. 53, Fat 25, Protein 103

Have a great day.


Karen M.
on 9/17/14 10:54 pm - Mississauga, Canada

I have an update for you re: making the Chike hot.


The first two sips were hot, creamy deliciousness. Then - WTF?! It thickened into something satan would serve for tea! I choked down the third sip in a state of pure horror. LOL




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 9/18/14 7:29 am

Oh no!!!

on 9/18/14 7:45 am

Omg that was too funny! What is Chike? Sure would like to know. Thanks so much.


Karen M.
on 9/18/14 8:00 am - Mississauga, Canada

It is the most delicious protein shake I've ever had - Chike protein iced coffee. Unless heated. Then it's pure hell.

K. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 9/17/14 9:44 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning all. Off to work shortly. I will bike home for exercise. Also a walk with the dog after dinner. I love the fall but find the dark mornings hard. Enjoyed last night presentation on exercise last night. Some interesting ideas.

b greek yogurt, granola, blueberries

s banana bread, baby bel

l 2sl ham, sl cheese, pickle, yogurt

s pure protein bar

d left over stew,

s green grapes

cal 938, carb 69.6, prot 82





on 9/17/14 10:12 pm, edited 9/17/14 10:12 pm

Still sick today with a cold. Another day of raw mashed garlic every 2-3 hours, seems to help some. Kind of ticked off I got sick so soon after back to work, but this time of year is bad for colds in general. 

b - premier protein shake, multivitamin, b12, vit d

s - triscuit cracker with pb and raw garlic, calcium

l -  tuna with raw garlic on cracker, calcium

s - broth with raw garlic

d - meatballs with tomato sauce and raw garlic

s - broth with tomato sauce and raw garlic

before bed: meds, omega, vit d

Karen M.
on 9/17/14 11:16 pm, edited 9/17/14 11:17 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Ugh - sorry you're still feeling bleah. Have you tried making ginger tea? Dead easy, really good, and very soothing. (And not stinky like garlic lol)


4 cups water

2-3 inch piece of fresh ginger root, peeled and cut into 4 pieces

1 lemon, quartered

agave or preferred sweetener, to taste

Into a pot:

Pour the water and ginger pieces into a pot. Squeeze the lemon quarters into the mixture and then throw them into the pot too.

Boil/simmer for 15 minutes, covered.

Strain liquid through a strainer into a jug or tea pot.

Add agave or preferred sweetener, to taste.

Drink up and feel better!

K. :)




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 9/18/14 7:31 am

great ideas - do you think powdered ginger would work instead of fresh?  Maybe I could strain it through a coffee filter?  I usually keep some in the freezer but am out at the moment.  I am going to try it!

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