My RNY Miracle!

on 9/17/14 6:31 am

Congratulations!  He is so beautiful - OK, well, handsome!

I wish you and your family many, many more blessings to come.



on 9/17/14 8:52 am

Congrats on the baby!!! I wouldn't exactly say the patch failed...more your doctor failed. It has a weight limit and the doctor should have known that. Not for anyone over 198 lbs.

Karen M.
on 9/17/14 8:58 am - Mississauga, Canada

It's not just the weight - women tend to be much more fertile post WLS with crazy hormone changes and malabsorption issues from RNY.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 9/17/14 9:58 am - Niagara Falls, Canada
Awww he beautiful, congrats.

10/18/07 RNY ( hw 305 sw 290 lw 189ish) St Joe's 08/14/14 RNY reversal to sleeve. I survived 3 leaks,4 operations and a feeding tube.

on 9/18/14 7:25 am

Oh my goodness he is sooo cute!!  Congratulations!

on 9/20/14 6:32 am

Congratulations on your miracle baby! I say that these events happen for a reason and are meant to be. My fourth child is my miracle guy (totally different situation, I was on the pill for 7 yrs, hubby was set to have his vasectomy the week after i found out and I didn't know I was pregnant till 16wks!) Anyway, he came at a  time when my family really, REALLY needed him, we just didn't know it! He made us a stronger family unit, made my relationship with my husband stronger and also turned his dad into a better person, since he had more time to spend with him unlike always being at work with the other 3. Have fun with the new bundle of joy!



Referral~March 5/13 Orientation~Apr 24/13 SW~June 10/13 RN~Aug 7/13 Sleep Clinic~ Aug 16/13 Sleep Dr~ Sept 3/13 Nut Class~Oct 1/13 Dietician/2nd Sleep Clinic~Nov 1/13 Psych~Nov 8/13 2nd Sleep Dr~Dec 3/13 Surgeon~Dec 6/13 Surgery~Apr 15/14

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